NEXTFEST – celebrating emerging artists and experimental forms in Budapest
NEXTFEST, Trafó’s mini-festival for emerging artists and experimental forms is back again between 5-9 March 2025, with a great selection of cutting-edge works, ranging from contemporary dance, performance and theater to visual arts, music and cross-disciplinary practices — this time not only in Trafó, but also in public spaces and special locations across the city!
If you don't want to miss out on anything, a limited number of festival passes are available for HUF 25.000 at the Trafó box office. You can ask for more details on how to use your passes at or in person at our ticket office.
Line-up: Alagya (Szilvia Bolla & Áron Lődi), AHA Collective, Emília Boda-Novy / Independent Theater Hungary, gergő d. farkas, Gida Labus & guest, Sára Gálhidy / Sámuel Gyulai / Lilla Szauer, Haibo Illés & Richárd Melykó, Irene Plaque (Katalin Bitó & Alja Branc & Zsófia Szász), Maja Juhász & Luca Kovács,
Dorottya Szonja Koltay & Anna Seress, Rebeka Kupihár, Csaba Molnár /
Nicole Clore, Zsolt Miklósvölgyi & Zemlényi-Kovács Barnabás,
National Performance Theatre Collective (Rebeka Zsófia Kozma, Noya Noémi
Szántusz, Emese Mikolt Tózsa), Balázs Oláh, b*tches & w*tches - folk dance workshop, Persephone Collective,
Project833, Seven Trials Theatre Troupe (Attila Lestyán & Veronika Szabó),
Zsófia Szász, Viktor Szeri, SVUNG Research Group, Júlia Vavra / Willany Leó Improvisation
Dance Theatre
Mon 3 March - NEXTFEST Day 0
19:00 Open Studio: Irene Plaque (Katalin Bitó, Alja Branc, Zsófia Szász) (90') / dance / in English - Studio
Wed 5 March - Grand Opening
19:00 Csaba Molnár / Nicole Clore: The Show Must Go On / The Graduation (60’) / dance/performance / in English - Main Hall
20:15 Seven Trials Theatre Troupe (Attila Lestyán, Veronika Szabó): Opening Speech (15') / performance/theatre / in Hungarian with English translation
Alagya (Szilvia Bolla, Áron Lődi): 2025 (15') / visual arts/conceptual design / English-friendly - Main Hall
21:00 Live act: Gida Labus & elod janky (40') / experimental music - Club
Thurs 6 March
18:00 Emília Boda-Novy - Independent Theater Hungary: Cannibals (60') / theatre / with English subtitles - Club
20:00 gergő d. farkas: babes (35') / dance / selected for Aerowaves 2025 / English-friendly - Main Hall
Fri 7 March
10:00 Workshop Foundation - NextStage: Backstage Club - International Collaborations / workshop - Cabin #freeschool
18:00 Haibo Illés & Richárd Melykó: RAW Spell (45') / performance / in English - Club
18:00 Haibo Illés & Richárd Melykó: RAW Spell (45') / performance / in English - Club
21:30 National Performance Theatre Collective (Noya Noémi Szántusz, Emese Mikolt Tózsa, Rebeka Zsófia Kozma): Miss Hungary (ca. 45’) work-in-progress showing / performance/theatre / English-friendly - Club
22:30 gergő d. farkas - Júlia Vavra - Balázs Oláh: b*tches & w*tches - folk dance workshop (ca. 60’) / participatory dance workshop and community event / English-friendly - Club
Sat 8 March - Feminist focus on International Women's Day
10:00 Workshop Foundation - NextStage: Backstage Club -Technical coordination / workshop - Studio #freeschool
10:00 Szabó Veronika & Vavra Júlia: Mani Me - Workshop about money for freelance artists and representatives of cultural institutions. (240') - Cabin #freeschool
10:00 Szabó Veronika & Vavra Júlia: Mani Me - Workshop about money for freelance artists and representatives of cultural institutions. (240') - Cabin #freeschool
14:00 This is Not a Love Talk S01E01 / The Cultural Disenfranchisement of Art - moderators: Barnabás Zemlényi-Kovács & Zsolt Miklósvölgyi, guest: Tamás Seregi, aesthete (90') / discussion, visual arts (in Hungarian) - Club #freeschool
16:00 Dorottya Szonja Koltay & Anna Seress: Brickology (90’) / performance-walk in public space (English-friendly) - Meeting point: Trafó ticket office #feministfocus
18:00-22:00 Project833 - Haibo Illés & Richárd Melykó: How to Boil the Flow? (30’ guided tours) / visual arts/performance - special location (outdoors), meeting point: Friedrich Born rakpart, Déli irány 3
19:00 Rebeka Kupihár: To the God of Heteros (60') / performative poetry reading, in collaboration with Freeszfe film acting class 2023/2024 (in Hungarian) - Club #feministfocus
19:00 Rebeka Kupihár: To the God of Heteros (60') / performative poetry reading, in collaboration with Freeszfe film acting class 2023/2024 (in Hungarian) - Club #feministfocus
Sunday 9 March
14:00 SVUNG Research Group: Cold Comfort - Extended Version / performance (in Hungarian) (120') - special location, meeting point: Hengermalom entrance
14:00 SVUNG Research Group: Cold Comfort - Extended Version / performance (in Hungarian) (120') - special location, meeting point: Hengermalom entrance
17:00 Gálhidy Sára - Gyulai Sámuel - Szauer Lilla: The Man Turns Serious, The Woman Starts To Feel Cold, At Least They Didn’t Kill Themselves / theater (in Hungarian) (110') - special location: Arzenál Club
18:30 Irene Plaque (Katalin Bitó, Alja Branc, Zsófia Szász): The NEXT Meeting / dance (in English) (50’) - Club
20:00 Júlia Vavra - Willany Leo Improvisation Dance Theatre: ripples in silence, The misty waltz (50’) / dance (English-friendly) - Main HallThe festival program is being finalised, the full line-up is coming soon!
The organiser reserves the right to change the program.
Partners: Arzenál, Independent Theater Hungary, Workshop Foundation, PLACCC Festival, SÍN Arts Centre