Free entry
#rap #mortar #collective
Event in Hungarian, with print handouts of lyrics in English and Hungarian.
Initiated by visual artist Dorottya Szonja Koltay and the curator Anna Seress, the Téglakar (Brick Choir) is currently a group of about 15 people (women and men mixed) who create performative forms using the tools of community theatre, aiming for democratic decision-making, which they then activate in public space. Common rapping, choreographies and songs are created in the process. Participants come from different helping professions, as well as from the community and alternative theatre worlds, mostly from both at the same time. Téglakar is a community where bricks are not silent. There are no crushed women in mortar, but there is no father-sacrifice either.
Dorottya Szonja Koltay graduated at the University of Fine Arts in 2020 with a degree in painting and graphic arts. "I'm always afraid of exhibitions that smell of corpses, I prefer it when presence is more pronounced." In her work, she looks for human borderlines and interactions that strike a chord with her. In the past year, she has also opened up her artistic practice to collaborative work. She works as a scenic designer at Katona József Theatre and with independent companies. In 2024 she won the Kassák Prize for Contemporary Art.
Anna Seress is a freelance cultural worker and curator. She has worked as curator and project manager of the Studio of Young Artists’ Association (FKSE). She has studied at the University of Warwick and University College London and is currently a PhD student at ELTE Atelier Interdisciplinary Department. Her research focuses on the relationship and interaction between culture and society, and her projects aim to make this relationship not only transparent but also tangible.
The program is presented as part of NEXTFEST’s special feminist focus. 8th March is International Women's Day and since 2018 it is also Transnational Feminist Strike Day. We celebrate this occasion by sharing the work of artists who work with a feminist approach.
NEXTFEST is Trafó's very own mini festival, with which it showcases new forms, emerging artists and the joy of experimentation each year. Please find the full festival programme here, most events are English-friendly!
Participants of the Téglakar (Brick Choir) are the Dévai Asszonykórus (Women's Choir of Déva) and the Falbontás Menti Téglatáncegyüttes (Demolition Brick Dance Group):
Dóra Botka, Zsófia Szász, Ildikó Végh, Erika Kovács, Edit Farkasinszky, Csenge Bánkuti, Kriszta Nemes Papp, Lilla Szauer, Eszter Vági, Zea Gyarmati, Anett Dublecz, Sári Gálhidy, Anita Ureczki, Artúr Poór, Márton Kovács, Anna Seress, Dorottya Szonja Koltay
The Brick Choir was founded as part of a series of installations and performances created for the 9th District Public Art competition.