NEXTFESZT / AHA Kollektíva

    Sweat Set

    3200 HUF
    NEXTFEST and Trafo passes are accepted
    #passion #heated #revolutionary

    Sweat Set seeks the revolutionary power of movement, through the memory of emblematic choreographies, fuelled by a sense of passion and liberation.

    The AHA Collective is launching a new series of site-specific performances, which will consist of loosely structured events with different themes and more space for improvisation. Each performance will be titled "... Set", of which three will be produced this year. The "Sets" will be smaller scale, more informal productions that are part of a larger whole. 
    In the series the collective is working with instant decisions and short but intense creative processes. The performances created are typically structured (pre-arranged, i.e.set), but within that, performers are present individually, with their own decisions and work on the given topic through improvisation."Sets"  are opportunities for the development of collective dynamics and help the AHA members discover creative and performative situations yet unknown.

    Sweat Set focuses on the preconceptions surrounding dance. It deals with stereotypical approaches to liberty, passion, and physical beauty. Through the memories of emblematic choreographies, the creators explore how to evoke the revolutionary power that movements can possess while seeking a personal and universal connection with dance.

    The AHA Collective is a group of six artists formed in 2021. Its members are Barbara Eyassu-Vincze, Márton Gláser, Imola Kacsó, Luca Kancsó, Balázs Oláh, and Vivien Piti, who met during their studies. In their creative processes, they always consider their chosen topic as an independent entity, observing its development and intuitively shaping it further until its final form.
    Their first collective work, Dense Piece – which received the Rudolf Lábán Award and was also selected for the dunaPart platform program – premiered at the MU Theater in 2023. It was also performed at the Spider Festival in Ljubljana and the Blank Check Festival in Berlin. Their second piece, No Man's Land, premiered in Trafó in January 2024 and was presented at the Potsdamer Tanztage in May. They are currently working on a performance series called "Sets".

    Created and performed by: Barbara Eyassu-Vincze, Márton Gláser, Imola Kacsó, Luca Kancsó, Balázs Oláh, Vivien Piti
    Light: Kata Dézsi
    Producer: SÍN Arts Centre
    Special thanks: Áron Porteleki

    Sweat Set AHA Kollektíva
    Sweat Set SÍN Művészeti Központ

    ticket office:
    • Main hall performance days: 5 pm - 10 pm
    • studio and club performance days: 5 pm - 8:30 pm
    • other days: 5pm - 8 pm
    Trafó Gallery opening hours:
    • Performance days: 4-10pm.
    • Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 4pm-7pm.
    • Closed on Mondays.

    • The Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza Nonprofit Kft. works in the maintance of Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata.