NEXTFESZT / Juhász Maja & Kovács Luca

    und jetzt

    3200 HUF
    NEXTFEST and Trafo passes are accepted
    mostakkor. (und jetzt.)
    NEXTFEST edition.

    Maja Juhász and Luca Kovács are preparing a special episode of their season-long daringly autobiographical and intensely funny series for NEXTFEST. The English-friendly title is stolen from René Pollesch, but what it stands for in this case will definitely be original. Pua camp (where one can learn how to pick up women), fathers, prom, love, God – the best moments of their previous episodes, all in one.

    “und jetzt (mostakkor) is actually a series, but it's a series in the sense that it's actually a year-long show that you can watch every month. You can watch only one episode and it will tell you something about what we are interested in at that moment or what we want to do. When the month is out, the show is over too.
    Each episode has a theme and these become performances.
    If you watch the whole season, you'll see what happens when we take ourselves too seriously, or accidentally do everything we wanted to do, and whether this makes us become who we want to be, without even knowing who we want to be.

    So we're pretty special anyway, but luckily we're only special to the extent that we're probably not that special. It might seem like we're only thinking about ourselves, but then it'll probably turn out that we're actually thinking about the same things as everyone else, but not everyone wants to do performances. In fact, we also mainly want to do things and performances, and then somehow these things become performances and performances become things. Meaning, our reality turns into performances and performances become our reality." 
    (Maja Juhász, Luca Kovács)

    This event is part of the 5th edition of NEXTFEST, Trafó's very own mini festival, with which it celebrates new forms, emerging artists and the joy of experimentation each year. Please find the full festival programme here, most events are English-friendly!
    Koncepció, előadó: Juhász Maja, Kovács Luca

    Kicsit olyan az előadás, mint ahogy ez az ajánló most meg van írva. Nyelvileg mármint. (

    Juhász Maja és Kovács Luca a Freeszfe frissen végzett hallgatói. A Trafó legkisebb termében, a Kabinban hoznak létre szeptember óta hónapról hónapra egy-egy új, az életükről szóló performanszt. És bár lehetne a koncepciót mélyíteni és erősíteni, biztos, hogy ez az idei színházi évad legrokonszenvesebb projektje. PUSKÁS PANNI KRITIKÁJA. (

    ticket office:
    • Main hall performance days: 5 pm - 10 pm
    • studio and club performance days: 5 pm - 8:30 pm
    • other days: 5pm - 8 pm
    Trafó Gallery opening hours:
    • Performance days: 4-10pm.
    • Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 4pm-7pm.
    • Closed on Mondays.

    • The Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza Nonprofit Kft. works in the maintance of Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata.