NEXTFESZT / Gálhidy Sára - Gyulai Sámuel - Szauer Lilla
The Man Turns Serious, the Woman Starts To Feel Cold, At Least They Didn’t Kill Themselves
3200 HUF2400 HUF - student, teacher, senior
NEXTFEST and Trafo passes are accepted
Arzenál Club
1095 Budapest, Soroksári út 158/C
#illusion #opera #surreal
A unique take on musical theatre, an engaging, yet uncomfortable work by a group of young artists what comes to life in a special venue, at Arsenal Club in the 110-year-old post-industrial building of the old weapons factory on Soroksári Road.
A tragicomical story about a young couple, who cannot process the loss of their child. Their relationship reaches a point where they are unable to progress anymore. We are witnessing the culmination of their tragic condition and the effects they have on people around them, who are all already in difficult and damaging personal circumstances.
This event is part of the 5th edition of NEXTFEST, Trafó's very own mini festival, with which it celebrates new forms, emerging artists and the joy of experimentation each year. Please find the full festival programme here, most events are English-friendly!
Sára Gálhidy, the director began her stage directing studies at the University of Theater and Film Arts Budapest and graduated at Mozarteum in Salzburg. She’s work focuses on reinterpreting musical theater genres, and liberating the theater from its traditional confine. The writer of the play is Lilla Szauer whose writing explores the connections between personal stories and social issues, characterized by a candid, philosophical, and often mystical style. The production's composer and keyboardist, Sámuel Gyulai is a multidisciplinary musician, he worked on speech-harmonization with a jazzy-pop sound, along with baroque recitative parodies, creating the multilateral sound of the production. The visual designer, László Békési is a sculptor, painter, he is also the saxophonist in the performance. Each of the six young actors are autonomous, unique performers, proficient in singing, dancing, and storytelling.
HERMAN, the Man: Zoltán Sas
IRMA, the Woman: Veronika Kozma
LUJZA, the Lover: Patricia Fekete
BERTA, the Other/ the Princess: Gizella Gálhidy
VALTER, the Lover: Simon Regős
KONRÁD, the Patient/Pater Surin: Péter Turi
ALBERT, the Child
SET DESIGN: Békési László
MUSICIANS: Gyulai Sámuel (nord), Békési László (szaxofon), Sas Zoltán (dob)
CONSULTANTS: Ascher Tamás, Forgács Péter
DIRECTOR: Gálhidy Sára
COPRODUCTION PARTNERS: Csokonai Művelődési Ház, Freeszfe Association
Csokonai Nonprofit Kft. | |
Freeszfe Egyesület | |
Újbuda Önkormányzata |