Having drifted to the edge of definability, in times of redefining, undefining, self-searching and self-questioning, Irene Plaque decided to become something.
This is an invitation to The NEXT Meeting: come, be present, and help Irene see clearly during this tough yet magical time.
The Meeting is about Irene themselves: their art and creation, their past, present and future, friendship and connection. They get inspired by whatever is at hand: their surroundings, circumstances, experiences, dreams, moods and thoughts, feelings and emotions in the here and now of NEXTFEST.
The Meeting is an abstract yet simple event, a performative conference, a constant flow of thoughts, simultaneous construction and deconstruction. Your attention, feedback, and suggestions are crucial for Irene.
You can bring your laptop, smartphone and notebook, and become part of the whole conference experience. Pens, ropi (salty sticks), and soda are provided.
Only in English!
Free entrance, please register at jegypenztar@trafo.hu with “The Meeting” as subject.
Prior to the conference, you can meet Irene and get acquainted with their way of working at Trafó's Open Studio on 3 March, day 0 of NEXTFEST.
This event is part of the 5th edition of NEXTFEST, Trafó's very own
mini festival, with which it celebrates new forms, emerging artists and
the joy of experimentation each year. Please find the full festival programme here, most events are English-friendly!
Graphic design: Katalin Bitó