NEXTFESZT / Vavra Júlia - Willany Leó Improvizációs Táncszínház

    ripples in silence, The misty waltz

    3200 HUF
    NEXTFEST and Trafo passes are accepted
    #outoftunevideoclip #sedatedmusical #enervateddance

    Sedated, enervated dance and poetic images that unfold like an out of tune video clip - this is the atmosphere created by Júlia Vavra's choreography for the dancers of Willany Leó on the closing day of NEXTFESZT. It's a rare opportunity to see this performance again, so don't miss this hazy Sunday!

    ripples in silence, The misty waltz is a series of simple choreographies, structured improvisational movement and poetic images embedded into the aesthetic of a distorted music video, creating a delirious and dreamlike atmosphere. 
    The audience is confronted with a strangely unsettling combination of mainstream and abstract elements and given the chance to explore the collision of the desire to entertain and the need to turn inward through the dancers' movement on stage.

    The #kaméleon project is an articulation of the Willany Leó collective's constant striving for renewal: by involving an invited artist, they seek to redefine themselves and add new ideas to the seemingly endless notion of improvisation and contemporary dance, thus enriching the Hungarian contemporary canon.

    Júlia Vavra is a Budapest-based freelance contemporary dancer, performer and choreographer. She studied at the Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy (2010-2015) and at the School of New Dance Development, Amsterdam University (2017-2021, as a choreographer). She is currently working as a performer and choreographer in productions at home and abroad.

    This performance is part of the 5th edition of NEXTFEST, Trafó's very own mini festival, with which it celebrates new forms, emerging artists and the joy of experimentation each year. Please find the full festival programme here, most events are English-friendly!

    Bánk Bagyinszki
    Eszter Bartók
    Vera Bundschuh
    András Engelmann
    Tímea Laza
    Réka Oberfrank
    Noémi Kata Pataki
    Zsófia Temesvári
    Zita Thury
    Máté Váth

    Music: András Molnár
    Light: Virág Rovó
    Production manager: Sára Pallag

    Choreographer, creator: Júlia Vavra

    Artistic leader: Zoltán Grecsó
    Staff of Willany Leó: Réka Oberfrank, Emese Szilágyi-Pallag

    ripples in silence, The misty waltz Műhely Alapítvány
    ripples in silence, The misty waltz NKTK – Nemzeti Kulturális Támogatáskezelő
    ripples in silence, The misty waltz Trafó


    ticket office:
    • Main hall performance days: 5 pm - 10 pm
    • studio and club performance days: 5 pm - 8:30 pm
    • other days: 5pm - 8 pm
    Trafó Gallery opening hours:
    • Performance days: 4-10pm.
    • Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 4pm-7pm.
    • Closed on Mondays.

    • The Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza Nonprofit Kft. works in the maintance of Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata.