ArtMan Est vol. 11.

    Bridge - as we play it

    4200 HUF
    3200 HUF - student, teacher, senior
    Trafo passes are accepted
    #inclusive dance #board game #bridging for impossible

    32 cards: 22 dancers, 6 musicians, 4 jokers – ArtMan is 20 years old!

    The ArtMan Association – on its twentieth birthday – is doing something that they have never done before. Artmenők and Tánceánia, their two inclusive groups, are creating a dance theatre production about the unattainable.

    “Driven by some strange force, we strive for the unattanaible. We set off on a seemingly endless journey, entering unknown territories where our only support is the other who accompanies us. The stage becomes a place where opposites meet following the dynamics of departure and return, losing and finding, proximity and distance, art and reality. What am I taking with me? And from where to where?” (ArtMan)

    In 2018 the ArtMan Association won the Special Prize of the most prestigious Hungarian professional award for contemporary dance, the Rudolf Lábán Award. A year earlier, in 2017, it was shortlisted for the Highlights of Hungary selection. Highlights of Hungary is a non-profit platform rewarding “outstanding Hungarian achievements” annually. This will be the 11th ArtMan evening at Trafó, featuring this contemporary dance community of mixed-ability creators and performers. In 2023 they premiered their highly successful performance, Idol in collaboration with Hodworks.
    Presenters: Tamás Barkó, Diána Bodócs, Júlia Dobay, Dorka Farkas, Krisztina Ferencz, Eszter Gál, Fanni Gönye, Ági Gyulavári, Réka Horváth, Levente Kalácska, Ferenc Kálmán, Boglárka Karcza, Tamás Kerekes, Márk Marián, Andrea Mészöly, Levente Nagy, Panka Pataki, Vanda Pózner, Henrietta Sudár, Károly Tóth, Kata Tóth, Lajos Vass, Ábel Vay

    Music: Smoking Smoking and Esra, Szidónia Doba
    Assistants: Júlia Dobay, Eszter Gál, Ferenc Kálmán
    Directors: Dorka Farkas, Andrea Mészöly
    Dramaturg: Viktor Szivák-Tóth
    Production Manager: Júlia Dobay, Dorka Farkas
    Light: Kata Dézsi
    Sound: Mihály Kádár

    Supporters: NKA, Márai Sándor Művelődési Ház, Műhely Alapítvány

    Bridge - as we play it NKA - Nemzeti Kulturális Alap
    Bridge - as we play it Márai Sándor Művelődési Ház
    Bridge - as we play it Műhely Alapítvány
    ticket office:
    • Main hall performance days: 5 pm - 10 pm
    • studio and club performance days: 5 pm - 8:30 pm
    • other days: 5pm - 8 pm
    Trafó Gallery opening hours:
    • Performance days: 4-10pm.
    • Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 4pm-7pm.
    • Closed on Mondays.

    • The Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza Nonprofit Kft. works in the maintance of Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata.