
4200 HUF
3200 HUF - student, teacher, retired
Trafo passes are accepted
ArtMenők is a youth programme of the ArtMan Association. Its aim is to bring young people with different disabilities and able-bodied people together on an equal footing, through joint themes and choices. In the autumn of 2022, they started working with the contemporary dance company HODWORKS, led by Adrienn Hód since 2007.

Their joint production Idol, creates a space where able-bodied and non-normative performers can take to the stage together, creating a world they want to live in their everyday, personal spaces. The two companies suggest that the field of contemporary performing arts may be the most appropriate starting point for the pervasive social change that has long been called for. This kind of rethinking and revising of the often strict rules of domestic contemporary dance is very timely.

The liberating novelty of the international production of Harmonia (HODWORKS & Unusual Symptoms), which premiered in 2021, is now continued in a local, Hungarian context. Adrienn Hód has been collaborating with ArtMenők since autumn 2022, in the form of in-depth rehearsal research. The focus of the sessions was to allow young people with different abilities and non-normative bodies to explore, accompanied by HODWORKS dancers, previously unknown terrains in a safe space where they can express themselves through their own choices. During the creative work, participants worked on intensive attention control, conscious body use and coordinated work with space, and the resulting performance is adapted to the performers’ skills, contrary to normative expectations, so that they can present themselves in an inclusive space, within a flexible framework.

Dear Audience!
Due to diminishing financial resources, Artman Association is currently in a critical economic situation. Therefore we kindly ask you to support our work by donating to the Artman Association.
You can financially support us as follows:
- personally at Trafó theatre before the performance - please find our donation desk
- online through the website of Artman Association:
- through bank transfer to our account: Magnet Bank, IBAN 16200199-11530604 (put Donation as the description)
Accessibility is also needed in our soul - Artman
Performers: Márton Gláser, Ági Gyulavári, Imola Kacsó, Boglárka Karcza, Tamás Kerekes, Márk Marián, Andrea Mészöly, Levente Nagy, Anna Pakh, Panka Pataki, Henrietta Sudár, Kata Tóth, Károly Tóth, Ábel Vay
Director, choreographer: Adrienn Hód
Artistic assistants: Imola Kacsó, Márton Gláser
ArtMenők professional/group leaders: Andrea Mészöly, Ági Gyulavári
Our ticket office is closed until 22 August.:
  • Main hall performance days: 5 pm - 10 pm
  • studio and club performance days: 5 pm - 8:30 pm
  • other days: 5pm - 8 pm
Trafó Gallery opening hours:
  • Until September 2024 Trafó Gallery is closed for a summer break.
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  • The Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza Nonprofit Kft. works in the maintance of Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata.

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