4900 HUF3700 HUF - student, teacher, senior
Trafo passes are accepted
Accompanying program
The Making of Pinocchio is presented as a relaxed performance. This means that the established rules of theatre etiquette will be relaxed: the audience will be able to move freely during the performance (leave the performance space and come back during the performance, changing seats if necessary), and there will be no strong light and sound effects. For those who feel triggered by some of the references in the show or experience an overwhelming emotional response and want to take a break or talk to someone afterwards or during the show, we provide services such as a quiet space and well-being practitioner. A digital edition of The Making of Pinocchio will be made available after the performance in Budapest, to interested viewers, so that those who are unable to attend the live theatre performance at Trafó can experience Cade & MacAskill's work.
The wellbeing practitioner services are not considered health care.
The event is part of the LGBT History Month programme, which aims to showcase the presence of LGBT people in history, the LGBT past in Hungary and abroad, and the values created by minority members, while also playing an important role in building the LGBT community. For more information on the series of events, visit the LGBT History Month website and Facebook page.
Major sponsor: British Council. Supporters: Arts Council England, Artsadmin, Creative Scotland.
Arts Council England | |
Artsadmin | |
Creative Scotland | |
British Council |