Iterations centres Cassani’s obsession with the skill and precision of sleight of hand magic. It invites us to consider the performance of the seemingly impossible.
***You can attend the show with a daily ticket of MUCH Festival that is valid for all the rest of the programs as well. Here is the detailed line-up.
Through deconstructed routines and text that re-imagines the aesthetic tropes of magic, we are offered time to reflect and re-interpret. This exposé of the practising magician explores how impossibilities emerge through repetition, actions, gestures and self-reflection. See how placing a coin into a pocket becomes a lifetime's work. Learn how hard it really is, to do something impossible so effortlessly.
Tom Cassani is a UK based performance maker working with choreography, magic and live art. Awarded the Birmingham European festival first prize in 2018 he toured his solo show Someone Loves You Drive With Care across the UK, Spain and the Basque country in 2019. From 2020 to 2022 Tom was a participant in the first BETA Circus programme, developing contemporary magic across Europe with artists from 12 different countries. In 2022 Tom was selected by Florentina Holzinger as mentee to develop his Expanded Magic research project for the Berlin based Forecast Platform resulting in the creation of two new works, ‘Iterations’ and ‘The Perpetuation Series’. Tom has recently completed a Masters by Research with a focus Examining Body-Based Performance Magic as a Live Art Practice where he developed his performance A Show of Hands. He was recently awarded a practice-based PhD Scholarship from the University of Huddersfield. Tom also works internationally as a consultant and dramaturg specialising in inter-disciplinary deceptive practices. In 2024 he became one of the 20 Aerowaves Artists, a prestigious European selection celebrating the best dance performances of a given year.
With support and mentorship from: Florentina Holzinger as part of Cassani’s research project ‘Expanded Magic’.
‘Expanded Magic’ was developed within the framework of: Forecast – Skills e.V.
The initial concept of ‘Iterations’ was developed with support from: Karen Christopher, CJ Mitchell, BOLD!, Augusto Corrieri, Tim Bromage, Hester Stephan Chillingworth and Nik Taylor
The program is realized with the kind support of British Council Budapest.
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