Let it Burn! combines group therapy, concert, stand-up comedy and dance performance in a circusy manner.
***You can attend the show with a MUCH Festival day ticket, which is valid for all the evening programmes of the day. And there is also a 3-evening MUCH PASS! Click here for the full programme.
It is a fragmented performance of short scenes in a café-like space where the active participation of the public is encouraged. The solo performer leads the audience through his own struggles of self-discovery through evoking his idols in order to discover who he is in comparison to them. „Am I the person who I want to be? Do I want to be the person who I can be? Am I the person who I can be? Would I rather be nothing if I can't be everything, or dare to be who I have to be?”
Márton Csuzi is a dancer, acrobat and choreographer, co-founder of the OneTwoMany Collective. He works with Éva Duda and Tranzdanz Companies as a dancer, and performs with the contemporary circus group Freak Fusion. He is the founder of Flying Bodies, a multidisciplinary festival and movement course series. This performance is his first solo show.
Lights: Virág Rovó
Texts: Márton Csuzi
Music: Márton Csuzi
Scenery: Márton Csuzi and Sophie Zoletnik
Outside ey: Lennart Paar and Ármin Szabó Székely