In English
Bring your iPhone and install the LAYAR app to explore the interactive book’s pages!
Marloeke van der Vlugt is leading a workshop on 28th October at Budapest Metropolitan University of Applied Sciences. Register at, closing date for registration is 5th October. Free admission, limited capacity.
What does it mean when the body gets extended, hybridised and delimited through technology? How does meaning emerge in and through the body? What is the value of corporeality while interacting in a mediated manner with each other? A Dutch artist (Marloeke van der Vlugt) and her two Hungarian collegues (Beatrix Simkó and Gáspár Téri) are looking for possible answers.
Moderator: Mátyás Csiszár digital art writer
As a theatre maker Marloeke van der Vlugt (Space, WAAG Society) has been creating performances and interactive installations that enable the participant to experience how technological interaction is built and subsequently impacts our communication. The participants are invited to alternate the position of performer and spectator, which enables them to unveil sense and discuss actual emerging body concepts. Starting from this physical experience, critical questions about larger themes as Identity, Human Enhancement and Communication, all in relation to technology, must be addressed from a personal perspective.
Performance as Interface | Interface as Performance book is written by Dutch artist-researcher Marloeke van der Vlugt. It's a personal reflection on six years of artistic practice, in which she explores her living in a technology driven, networked world and its impact on the body. Van der Vlugt describes and reflects on a variety of her works, while taking the reader on the winding path of creation. By opening up her artistic processes, she invites the reader to explore his or her personal view on the topic while suggesting possible directions for the translation of human computer interaction within the performing arts. Moreover the title suggests a direction for further practical research what 'Performance as Interface' could entail for didactic purposes, design questions and beyond.
In this book, the different processes leading up to these works are described, zooming in on the way technological interaction is built, and how it impacts our communication. The selection of works consists of the videofilm MyCave, the performance AkiAnne, the performative installation Series Patchmaker, the collaborative dancework Duetten and the interactive sculptures PPI_I,2,3. They all have a similar starting point; they attempt to facilitate the audience to experience and dissect their 'performance of interaction' with technology. To what extent are we aware of our ‘performance’ in this technologically driven world? The reader is taken step by step through the various creation processes that exemplify how to come from the very first idea to the finished work.
Beatrix Simkó is a Hungarian contemporary dancer, performer and media artist, who has studied dance in both Budapest and Vienna. Having previously worked with Nigel Charnock, Sebastian Prantl, Csaba Horváth, Gregor Lustek & Rosana Hribar and Efrat Stempler, in 2009 she won jury and audience prizes at the Solo Duo Dance Festival in Budapest, and in the same year became a member of the Éva Duda Dance Company.
In 2010 she graduated with a BA in art and design theory from the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest, and in 2012 she completed a Media Design Masters at the same institution, her diploma work ‘Body Paste’, a multi-channel video installation, focusing on the issue of the individuality and uniqueness of her body and others.
She works in a number of fields of dance and theatre, combining different media and putting significant emphasis on the medium of body and movement. She often focuses on interdisciplinary collaborations, such as her work with performance artist János Szirtes.
She has presented her works at various spaces including the A38 Ship Gallery, Trafó Contemporary House, POSZT and Higgs Field. In 2012, having received an Artist-in-residence scholarship, she worked in Berlin. Her latest work was premiered at the Crosstalk Video Art Festival.
BODY PASTE werk film
With his thirteen years’ experience of dance, circus and physical theatre Gáspár Téri observes the world with a unique, ironic, cynical eye. His visual performance Relationanalysis show us a small slice of his impressive world and catalyse thought-provoking dialogue between art and science.
Bring your iPhone and install the LAYAR app to explore the interactive book’s pages!
Marloeke van der Vlugt is leading a workshop on 28th October at Budapest Metropolitan University of Applied Sciences. Register at, closing date for registration is 5th October. Free admission, limited capacity.

Moderator: Mátyás Csiszár digital art writer
As a theatre maker Marloeke van der Vlugt (Space, WAAG Society) has been creating performances and interactive installations that enable the participant to experience how technological interaction is built and subsequently impacts our communication. The participants are invited to alternate the position of performer and spectator, which enables them to unveil sense and discuss actual emerging body concepts. Starting from this physical experience, critical questions about larger themes as Identity, Human Enhancement and Communication, all in relation to technology, must be addressed from a personal perspective.
Performance as Interface | Interface as Performance book is written by Dutch artist-researcher Marloeke van der Vlugt. It's a personal reflection on six years of artistic practice, in which she explores her living in a technology driven, networked world and its impact on the body. Van der Vlugt describes and reflects on a variety of her works, while taking the reader on the winding path of creation. By opening up her artistic processes, she invites the reader to explore his or her personal view on the topic while suggesting possible directions for the translation of human computer interaction within the performing arts. Moreover the title suggests a direction for further practical research what 'Performance as Interface' could entail for didactic purposes, design questions and beyond.
In this book, the different processes leading up to these works are described, zooming in on the way technological interaction is built, and how it impacts our communication. The selection of works consists of the videofilm MyCave, the performance AkiAnne, the performative installation Series Patchmaker, the collaborative dancework Duetten and the interactive sculptures PPI_I,2,3. They all have a similar starting point; they attempt to facilitate the audience to experience and dissect their 'performance of interaction' with technology. To what extent are we aware of our ‘performance’ in this technologically driven world? The reader is taken step by step through the various creation processes that exemplify how to come from the very first idea to the finished work.
Beatrix Simkó is a Hungarian contemporary dancer, performer and media artist, who has studied dance in both Budapest and Vienna. Having previously worked with Nigel Charnock, Sebastian Prantl, Csaba Horváth, Gregor Lustek & Rosana Hribar and Efrat Stempler, in 2009 she won jury and audience prizes at the Solo Duo Dance Festival in Budapest, and in the same year became a member of the Éva Duda Dance Company.
In 2010 she graduated with a BA in art and design theory from the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest, and in 2012 she completed a Media Design Masters at the same institution, her diploma work ‘Body Paste’, a multi-channel video installation, focusing on the issue of the individuality and uniqueness of her body and others.
She works in a number of fields of dance and theatre, combining different media and putting significant emphasis on the medium of body and movement. She often focuses on interdisciplinary collaborations, such as her work with performance artist János Szirtes.
She has presented her works at various spaces including the A38 Ship Gallery, Trafó Contemporary House, POSZT and Higgs Field. In 2012, having received an Artist-in-residence scholarship, she worked in Berlin. Her latest work was premiered at the Crosstalk Video Art Festival.
BODY PASTE werk film
With his thirteen years’ experience of dance, circus and physical theatre Gáspár Téri observes the world with a unique, ironic, cynical eye. His visual performance Relationanalysis show us a small slice of his impressive world and catalyse thought-provoking dialogue between art and science.