0 Ft (Trafó bérlet érvényes)
The productions of Josef Nadj the dancer-choreographer of Hungarian origin who lives in France can be categorised by the common characteristics of play, dance and theatre. His choreographies are based on the performers’ personal sensibilities and are mostly labeled with the Pina Bausch’ world inspired dancetheatre. In his creations music and visual arts are very essential. There is always a central idea encorporated on stage with the help of music, movement and visual effects. The performance called Eden to be presented in Trafó is the continuation of the previously presented After Midnight. It is the middle part of the trilogy titled Apocrif Codex. The starting point of this piece is the life of a poet who for many years, far away from his country, dreamt about returning to his homeland. Finally, when his wish was fulfilled and he arrived home, he got imprisoned.