Thought Sculpture

21/04/2017. 6 pm – 8 pm. Lecture performances by Rana Hamadeh and Andi Schmied
curator: Borbála Szalai

Free entrance
The lecture-performances will be in English.
The event is part of the Thought Sculpture lecture-performance series  happening between January and April 2017.

Rana Hamadeh: And Before It Falls It Is Only Reasonable To Enjoy Life A Little

This performance, developed under the umbrella of the Alien Encounters Project that Rana Hamadeh initiated in 2011, is an exhaustive deliberation on the notion and gesture of ‘falling’: falling as a form of legal apathy; falling as a choreographic gesture; and falling as a dynamic of virulence. In this performance, the artist leads a journey amidst the legal coding of the terms ‘falling ill’, ’immunity’ and ‘quarantine’, to outer-space and land-sea relations plotted through science fiction projections, geo-political territory formation and cross-border travel. Thinking through the conjunction of the legal and the spatial, Hamadeh plays out an intensive scrutiny of the shared lexicons of criminology, epidemiology and theater.

Rana Hamadeh (1983) is a visual and performance artist from Lebanon based in The Netherlands. Drawing on a curatorial approach within her artistic practice, she develops longstanding discursive projects that think through the infrastructures of justice, militarism, histories of sanitation and theatre. Her work stems from an extended investigation into specific concepts and terms, treating the field of theory as fiction. Hamadeh's previous solo exhibitions include a.o. The Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane; The Showroom, London; Leopold Hosch Museum; Nottingham Contemporary; Western Front, Vancouver; Gallery TPW, Tonoto and Kiosk, Ghent. Group exhibitions include a.o. The Moscow Biennial, The New Museum, New York; e-flux, New York, The 8th Liverpool Biennial, Wattis Institute, The Lisson Gallery, Beirut, Witte de With and the Van Abbemuseum.

         Rana Hamadeh: A River In A Sea In A River (detail), 2014. Script and scenography for a play.
            (Photo by Tom Callermin, image courtesy of Kiosk Ghent)

Andi Schmied: Siberian Marble
Andi Schmied, while pretending to be a Hungarian billionaire hunting for a luxury apartment, got excess to over 30 of the most exclusive condos of Manhattan. In her lecture-performance she will guide us around these penthouses, show the sunset from Trump World Tower, the views from the tallest apartment building on the planet, and samples of the most luxurious materials used in bathtubs overlooking the Statue of Liberty.
Andi Schmied (1986) is an artist based in Budapest. With her installations and photographs she meticulously explores architectural anomalies; places that for one reason or another do not follow conventional urban logic - yet they are part of our cityscapes. These vary from urban areas that went far from their original function to unfulfilled dead ends of urban planning or utopian architectures. She had studied at The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, and at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. In 2015 she has granted Pécsi József Photography Grant. She has participated at various residency-programs, for example at Triangle Arts Association, New York, USA at Residency at S-AIR, Curators Network, Sapporo, Japan and at dortdYart, Dordrecht, NL.

Our ticket office is closed until 22 August.:
  • Main hall performance days: 5 pm - 10 pm
  • studio and club performance days: 5 pm - 8:30 pm
  • other days: 5pm - 8 pm
Trafó Gallery opening hours:
  • Until September 2024 Trafó Gallery is closed for a summer break.
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  • The Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza Nonprofit Kft. works in the maintance of Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata.

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