3900 HUF – 100 pcs4500 HUF – 150 pcs
Trafo passes are accepted
Accompanying program
19 órától a Nagyterem előterében az Átlátszó Hang koncertjének kurátorával, Gryllus Samuval együtt készülhettek fel az esti programra. A darabok alapötleteit és zenei koncepcióit ismerhetitek meg, sőt, közös improvizációkban is kipróbálhatjátok magatokat.NAMES - New Music and Art Ensemble Salzburg, is a young Austrian contemporary music ensemble founded 10 years ago. They are one of the most innovative musical communities in Austria, both technologically and artistically. They are committed to expanding our musical definitions, our stage and instrumental arsenal. In many of their projects they work together with visual and performing artists. NAMES was awarded the Ensemble Grant 2023 from the Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation. Their Budapest concert programme includes compositions by Peter Kutin. Kutin is a versatile artist who, in addition to his numerous film scores and installations, often works with installative situations or special stage objects in his stage compositions. Michele Abondano´s flute-electronic piece was created for a residency with the ensemble.
Before the NAMES concert, the curator of the concert, Samu Gryllus, will give an introductory workshop on the evening's programme.
Marco Sala - clarinets
Marina Iglesias - flutes
Matthias Leboucher - Piano, electronics
Anna Lindenbaum - violin, viola
Peter Kutin - objects, electronics
With the friendly support of Ernst von Siemens Music Foundation. With the support of the National Cultural Fund and Österreichisches Kulturforum Budapest.
Átlátszó Hang Újzenei Fesztivál | |
NKA - Nemzeti Kulturális Alap | |
Osztrák Kulturális Fórum | |
Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung |