Timothy and the Things


2400 HUF | Student: 1900 HUF
Trafó Passes are accepted
relation, distrust, irony

Three boys go hunting in the forest. Just like in a tale. But what is it that they hunt for if there are only the three of them in the sterile space? For each other? Or for themselves? And by the way, where is the forest where there is neither grass nor trees to be seen? And after all does it make a difference who holds the gun and who the prey is? Perhaps all that matter is that three boys have gone hunting. As if we go further than this we'll just end up in the same place. It's easy to get lost in the forest. 

„Myths of masculinity and gender stereotypes are addressed in contemporary context by choreographer László Fülöp in his new barrier breaking performance. The three versatile dancers (András Déri, Patrik Kelemen and Kristóf Várnagy) are experimenting individually with different movement styles – just like personality treats –, showing their vulnerable sides and putting on different masks of conformity; but also push each other to their limits, leading to playful and hilarious but also tensed and ambiguous interactions. The dynamics are constantly changing, still there is a palpable build-up, as the texture of the performance becomes richer and deeper with every added layer. Fülöp has a broad understanding of choreography, using not only movement but music, pop culture as well as high art and philosophical references, creating a unique blend of tunes, images and energy patterns on stage. Besides his precise sense of style and timing, the great amount of self-irony makes the performance enjoyable and relatable for all audiences.” –Orsolya Bálint, www.dancefeed.org

‘As this encounter, especially when it happens at such high intensity is the meeting itself, the completeness of entering into a relationship. Hunting is exquisite right in this respect, in the utmost punctuality of totality, the encounter brought about through the striving for high quality. In the one that is neither random nor eludible as it offers unavoidable experiences to the participants. And it is crucial for us to hunt for such occasions within and beyond dance.’ - Gábor Csatádi, www.potszekfoglalo.hu

Strauss Im-ígyen szóla Zarathustra című szimfonikus költeményének kezdő akkordjainak zilált, paródiába hajló átiratával indul az előadás, amiből már sejtjük, hogy Nietzsche az emberiség fejlődésének eszméjéről szóló filozofikus művének főbb gondolatait fogják itt nekünk kifordítani. - sisso, Magyar Narancs

DNA, Creative Europe Programme, L1 Független Művészek Közhasznú Egyesülete, Thelien Tervező Kft., NKA

Box Office opening hours:
  • Main hall performance days: 5 pm - 10 pm
  • studio and club performance days: 5 pm - 8:30 pm
  • other days: 5pm - 8 pm
Trafó Gallery opening hours:
  • Performance days: 4-10pm.
  • Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 4pm-7pm.
  • Closed on Mondays.

  • The Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza Nonprofit Kft. works in the maintance of Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata.

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