Tropical Escape is the first collaboration between Csaba Molnár and Márcio K. Canabarro, in 2016 the piece was awarded The Laban Prize of choreography in Hungary as the best performance of the season and the 2018 Critic Award for best guest performance of the season in Copenhagen Denmark. The piece has its head wrapped around politics of fantasy , the labour of pleasure, the exotic as fetish, the economy of the obscene. Escapism as form of resistance.
The politics of fantasy: the awareness of the cultural tropes and semiotics of our fantasies, the articulation of movement (dance) as a political manifestation of this references. E.g.: reflection on first masturbatory fantasies, context and implications, reflection on what is understood as 'good' or 'pleasant'. Biopolitics.
The labour of pleasure: connects with craft in creating paradises, exuberant, vivid imagery - the physical work involved on the stimulation of pleasure, e.g.: sexual intercourse, metabolism, hormonal liberation. Or the working hard / being good - reward dynamic. Seduction. Rhythm. Drag-queens.
The exotic as fetish: the sexualisation of the exotic, race, the tropical "behavior", the otherness, the anthropomorphism of nature, or natural phenomena, e.g: weather and its equivalence to gods and mythological imaginary and life cycles: birth, reproduction, fecundity, death. story telling. Reality-show, melodrama. Creation of icons.
The economy of the obscene: Relating desire with capital; non tangible, virtual, sensorial experiences and values as goods. The exchange of "non public" material. Pornography, prostitution, promiscuity, cabaret and other events that are established in the context of privacy, not regulated by the state. The commercialization and construction of sex and gender, the fiction of binary sexuality versus the concept of speaking bodies. The drug market. Development of utopias and forbidden / vulgar areas.
Created and performed by: Marcio Kerber Canabarro, Molnár Csaba
Live music: Exotic Girlfriend
Thanks to: Artus Stúdió, SÍN Kulturális Központ, Új Előadóművészeti Alapítvány, Cuhorka Emese, Garai Julia, Mervel Miklós and Fülöp László
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"Kétségtelen: ezen az estén a Tropical Escape volt a legjobb dolog, ami az emberrel Budapesten történhetett."
"Ráébredtünk, hogy ez egyfajta „kultúra-recycling”, amelyben elférnek és keverednek a hollywoodi filmekből, a pornóból, vagy az olasz mozifilmekből kölcsönzött betétek." - Grozdits Hahó (Librarius) interjúja
Artus | |
Új Előadóművészeti Alapítvány |
"Talán ami a legfontosabb, hogy igénnyel és törődéssel csináljunk bármit, legyen az művészet vagy nem." - Mozga Timi (phenomenon) interjúja