The two performers represents new patterns of relationships in today’s society through the formality of dance, using various styles on their way to meet one another. These situations are often comic, absurd and are weighed down by many external difficulties, just as in real life for the young generation.
In the various attempts to connect during the performance, humor and irony serve as a tool to reflect on the rhythmical and personal differences between the two dancers. The wide range of dance languages displayed, represent a specific era in the past and present such as folk dance, disco, techno, twerk, hip-hop and even styles that represent more narrow groups, such as hardcore dance.
These different elements are paired with a musical score composited with the help of Áron Porteleki.
The piece won the Rudolf Laban-prize in 2019.
Dancers and creators: Nóra Horváth, Gábor Ivanov
Music composition: Áron Porteleki
Light design: Mátyás Major
Mentor: Zsuzsa Rózsavölgyi
Consultant: Máte Mészáros
Concept: Nóra Horváth
Supporters: National Cultural Fund of Hungary, SÍN Arts and Culture Center, Mu Theater, Workshop Foundation, Life Long Burning
The performance is supported by Zoltán Imre Program - National Cultural Fund of Hungary
The performance is supported by European Union Culture Program.
The program is supported by Workshop Foundation and Imre Zoltán Program - National Cultural Fund of Hungary
"Jenna Jalonen a kortárs tánc, míg Jonas Garrido Verwerft az urban dance felől érkezett, ez a különbség azonban feloldódik az előadásban: lenyűgöző a technikai tudásuk, testük rugalmassága és mozgékonysága és az, ahogy megannyi találkozás történetét képesek mozdulataikba sűríteni."