Everything is in limbo. Everyone is tempted and attempting. The in-between is painful, awkward, hilarious but necessary; a tribute to the willingness, the effort and all that happens before resolution. Dancers oscillate on the brink of becoming, in flux with what has come before a dance that earns transformation and unleashes new spirit with the ability to rebuild.
The movement is rigorous, hyper detailed and virtuosic; a physical lawlessness that teases materiality, overthrows logic and acts as an ode to unseen forces and internal desire. Ghostly architecture, puppeteering and illusions create a world of pseudo things and supernatural selves existing in the margins of form and formlessness. In the end, Bygones celebrates how we are shaped by what we overcome, and how something challenging can lead to something beautiful.
Out Innerspace Dance Theatre is devoted to creating exciting and integral contemporary dance works. Determined to be innovative yet accessible, they push beyond traditional aesthetics and forms with unreserved ingenuity. Through research and experimentation, OIS celebrates the importance of challenging the preconceptions of what can be expected, experienced and expounded in contemporary dance.
Company: Out Innerspace Dance Theatre
Choreographers and performers: David Raymond, Tiffany Tregarthen
Performers: Elya Grant, David Harvey, Renée Sigouin
Visual Artist (Mixed Media Mask & Hand Design): Lyle Reimer (LyleXOX)
Sound Design: Kate De Lorme
Apprentices: Aidan Cass, Zahra Shahab
Lighting: James Proudfoot
Video design: Eric Chad
Costumes design: Kate Burrows
Coproduction: Agora de la danse, Dance Victoria, La Rotonde