A novel is the human soul’s descend into hell. I loved it as a child. In the ship’s captain I see my grandfather, sitting in his room, alone. We are full of dazzling energy, not being used, we go stark raving mad. Eventually we will kill!
Eight men getting on each other’s nerves, as Herman Melville’s dark story crushes them all. Catatonic scenes from a whale hunting community, out at sea, in Fekete Ádám’s labyrinthic fantasy.
I see people of my age going mad, killing themselves. Their fire creates and destroys inside me. Besides: only men, on a ship, furled up together! Where are the boundaries of love and hatred between men, dependency, rivalry and murder among our bodies.
Fekete Ádám is a writer and director, this is his 3rd production on the main stage of Trafó. Usually he directed his own plays, now he picks a big American classic to deal with. The performers are all all-around artists too, actors, writers, directors, musicians from different segments of the Hungarian theater scene, and beyond.
A produkció a Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata által meghirdetett Staféta program keretében valósult meg. Támogató: TÁP Színház, Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata, Staféta, Füge Produkció
Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata | |
FÜGE Produkció | |
Staféta program | |
TÁP Színház |