Ursula Martinez is a thirtysomething, London-based alternative theater/cabaret queen who is performing for the second time on Trafó’s stage. Ursula leaves nothing to our imagination and still she remains out of reach. A stand up comedy star, an irresistible comic, a fascinating extrovert. She has toured all over the world, performing in Sydney, Edinborough, Almeira and London, visiting Trafó for the first time during her Central European tour in 2002. Her name is well known from her collaborations with such postmodern provocators as The Glee Club and Forced Entertainment. A Family Outing presented first in 1999, brought her real fame, this is the show she will be performing in Trafó. A Family Outing is part of the trilogy (along with Show-off and O. A. P.) exploring personal identity and the artifice of performance that forms part of Ursula’s repertoire. In this show she interrogates her actual parents, live on stage.

Written by Ursula Martinez and Mark Whitelaw Directed by Mark Whitelaw Performed by Ursula Martinez, Milagros Lea and Arthur Lea

ticket office:
  • Main hall performance days: 5 pm - 10 pm
  • studio and club performance days: 5 pm - 8:30 pm
  • other days: 5pm - 8 pm
Trafó Gallery opening hours:
  • Performance days: 4-10pm.
  • Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 4pm-7pm.
  • Closed on Mondays.

  • The Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza Nonprofit Kft. works in the maintance of Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata.