1000 Ft
In the spring of 2010, the students of the MOME textile department will embark on an innovative and exciting venture. They’ll transform the Trafó’s theatre hall into a multitude of catwalks for a single night. The organizers will use the mobile stage to surprise the audience by staging an unusual show. The models and dancers, who will be the models for the night, will show up at unexpected moments from every possible direction. The practically theatrical performance will present the collections of the MOME graduates and third and fourth year students.
We shouldn’t expect to see a ready to wear collection, since the students and artists experiment with various forms and functions, concentrating on the novelty and originality of design. The show will also present the various phases of design: how an idea becomes a piece of clothing or an extravagant haute couture piece of art.
Co-ordinated by: REMETE Kriszta, SZŰCS Edit, KISS Tibor
Choreographer: FENYVES Márk
Technician: KORMOS Róbert, KÉPES Tamás
Music: ÁRVAI György
Department teachers: Droppa Judit, Bráda Judit, Jankovics Zsuzsa, Kiss Tibor, Rakhely Zsofia, Remete Kriszta, Sárváry Katalin, Szűcs Edit, Kisfaludy Márta
Third year: Cséfalvay Lilla, Haidekker Szilvia, Ispánovics Andrea, Lazsádi Johanna, Tomcsányi Dóra, Danisova Katerina, Daubner Anna, Hevesi Nóra, März Eszter, Mata Imola, Oláh Anna, Rakita Eszter
Fourth year: Herold Henrietta, Kovács Adél, Kránitz Orsolya, Nagy Dorottya, Cséfalvai Fanni, Egyházi Viola, Fábri Zsuzsanna, Geréby Zsófia, Havancsák Terez, Szabó Fruzsina, Hajdú Anett, Hofstädter Szandra, Káldy Júlia, Oszvald Lilla, Tóth Kern Enikô
Graduates: Bodnár Barbara, Gáspár Judit, Jani Zsuzsanna, Horváth Délia, Kele Ildikó, Kocsis Anna, Csík Orsolya, Fazekas Endre, Gyöngyösi Renata, Pacl Julianna, Sármán Nóra, Szigeti Veronika, Vörös Gyöngyi, Ducsai Judit, Gaschitz Andrea, Mestyán Barbara, Pasztircsák Larisza, Poppre Orsolya, Rainer-Micsinyei Zsófia, Takács Judit