1200 Ft / Student: 900 Ft / season ticket is valid

The performance is in Hungarian!

Further performances: 18-19 December 2009, 8pm

A new peformance by Gábor Goda and Artus, inspired by the 19th century Japanese painter Hokusai.
Hokusai made his renowned picture by commission titled ’Rooster’ within a minute after a decade of hundreds of attempts.

Hokusai, the 19th century Japanese painter-genius made his renowned picture titled „Rooster” by commission within a minute after a decade of hundreds of attempts. When do we get the feeling that it’s good and ready that we have brought about? What about our life of hundreds of days that we are continuously creating? What is this anxious strive for constant judgement, evaluation of ourselves? And who is the commissioner? According to whose expectations do we live your life, do we paint our moments? Each move creates something but vanishes an earlier one at the same time. Each moment, each and every creative move is another morning of which the Rooster reminds us.

‘Together with the members of the company breaking through the previously closed artistic boundaries we started looking for new routes. The space, the personal attitude of the creator and the performer, the reconsideration of a mature partnership with the audience have all become important. The continuous artistic research work with the performers, musicians and visual artists as co-creators aim at the making of such performances and events that build up their own language in the course of the artistic process itself.
Our performances are mostly inspired by the confessions, personal experiences, memories of the company members. The writing, choreographing, staging of the performance are all done parallel. Our task is never the adaptation of a specific literary work, but it is to raise and contemplate a thought, a question that concerns us all. Here the creative work is creative process for all the participants. Both for the artists and the viewers.’ (Gábor Goda)

Creators, performers:
BODÓCZKY Antal, GERGELY Attila, GODA Gábor, KOCSIS Gábor, NAGY Csilla, NÁDOR Tibor, OLDAL István, RÉTI Anna, TÉRI Gáspár, VIRÁG Melinda
Lighting design: KOCSIS Gábor
Set design: BODÓCZKY Antal
Costumes: Lőrincz Kriszta
Music: GERGELY Attila
Video: TÉRI Gáspár, SAMU Bence

Production: RÁCZ Anikó
Choregraphy, directed by: GODA Gábor

With the support of:

ticket office:
  • Main hall performance days: 5 pm - 10 pm
  • studio and club performance days: 5 pm - 8:30 pm
  • other days: 5pm - 8 pm
Trafó Gallery opening hours:
  • Performance days: 4-10pm.
  • Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 4pm-7pm.
  • Closed on Mondays.

  • The Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza Nonprofit Kft. works in the maintance of Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata.