In this Hodworks production, the naked human body takes centre stage. It opens up in front of us like a landscape, dressed in the veins of the muscles, and the wrinkles and flushed nature of the skin, highlighting the body's anatomical-mechanical nature or ‘animal-like quality’ which in recent times has been suppressed and become taboo. The continuous interaction between and never-ending series of developments turn this daring piece into a performance which demands an exceptionally high level of awareness, strength, and refinement from the dancers. An avant-garde, radical, prejudice-free investigation of the body, as one would expect from Adrienn Hód.
In this Hodworks production, the naked human body takes centre stage. It opens up in front of us like a landscape, dressed in the veins of the muscles, and the wrinkles and flushed nature of the skin, highlighting the body's anatomical-mechanical nature or ‘animal-like quality’ which in recent times has been suppressed and become taboo. The continuous interaction between and never-ending series of developments turn this daring piece into a performance which demands an exceptionally high level of awareness, strength, and refinement from the dancers. An avant-garde, radical, prejudice-free investigation of the body, as one would expect from Adrienn Hód.
Performers: Cuhorka Emese, Garai Júlia, Molnár Csaba, Marcio Canabarro
live music: Mizsei Zoltán
Music Consultant: Sőrés Zsolt Ahad
Consultant: Szabó-Székely Ármin, Sőrés Zsolt, Marco Torrice
Light: Dézsi Kata
Choreography: Hód Adrienn
Co-production partner: Trafó – Kortárs Művészetek Háza
"A test feltárul, mint egy táj, az izmok rajzolata, a bőr gyűrődései, az érintések lenyomatai, a bőrpír öltöztetik."
"Talán a legnagyobb különbség a tánc és a többi előadóművészet között az, hogy itt nem biztos, hogy megkapod azokat a kapaszkodókat, amelyeket ismersz és segíthetnek az értelmezésben."