Theatre, dance and musical performances often stem from experiences that are similar or identical to the characteristic traits of various types of disabilities. In the case of authentic works that represent lasting values, the works themselves are often shaped, generated and measured by the “burdens” of life.
It might be challenging to go through difficult or nearly impossible situations and accept final solutions built around sudden and unique experiences. The irregular circumstances are supplied by the presence of blindness, disability, mental retardation and autism spectrum disorder and the creative people encountering these challenges, who learn to deal – and transform – the situations they’re in, pointing out the identity and differences of our lives.
Imperfection has a value and a meaning.
Our inner states and experiences aren’t private matters, but rather stem from our need to connect with each other. It is our deep-rooted need to sense, accept and make people acknowledge our own conditions - hence the need of the artistic formulation of this issue. We consider the relatives of disabled people and their helpers to be our highlighted audience, since although they have a special perspective on this unique, trying challenge in life - in which they become intertwined with those in need - their vantage point is still incomplete.
The performance consisting of four movements presents the results of a year’s worth of constant work.
A Tánceánia Együttesből: Eszes Dávid, Galgóczi Péter, Gál Eszter, Gribunov Anton Imrik Márta, Kalácska Levente, Sáfrány Kinga, Simkó János, Tímár Éva, Tóth Károly
Az Aura autistákat támogató egyesületből: Feleki Miklós, Félegyházy Judit, Gulyás Dávid, Kovács Gergely, Lukácsy Zsófia, Mészáros Barbara, Süveges Júlia, Rakonczai Áron, Vadas László
Az Árpádházi Szent Margit ÉNO-ból: Antalffy Zsuzsanna, Demény Zsuzsa, Flaton Annamária, Horváth Imre, Jez Mónika, Kálmán Ferenc, Kopp Ernő, Kövecses Zoltán, Kővári Henriett, Molnár Ciprián, Simor Antal, Szuhai István,
A Többet érsz! program vak csoportjából: Barkó Tamás, Bóna Gyöngyi, Lánczy Mónika, Lipka Péter, Pál Piroska, Szabó Péter, Terpó Edit, Veress Anett
programkoordinátor, művészeti vezető:Bóta lldikó
A rendezvény megvalósulását a Vodafone Alapítvány Főállású angyal kerestetik c. pályázata tette lehetővé
Mozgássérült Emberek Rehabilitációs Központja (MEREK)
Közép-Európa Táncszínház
Ferencvárosi Művelődési Központ
SÍN Kulturális Központ
Bozsik Yvette Alapítvány
Vodafone Magyarország Alapítvány

Box Office opening hours:
  • Main hall performance days: 5 pm - 10 pm
  • studio and club performance days: 5 pm - 8:30 pm
  • other days: 5pm - 8 pm
Trafó Gallery opening hours:
  • Performance days: 4-10pm.
  • Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 4pm-7pm.
  • Closed on Mondays.

  • The Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza Nonprofit Kft. works in the maintance of Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata.

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