Zsolt Haraszti

Solitary Theater – ten minutes alone in the theater

500 HUF
A rare occasion: you can be a hero without being awkward because nobody sees.

Theater is usually a social genre, you need at least two people for it: the performer and the audience. Well, we go one step further: Solitary Theater offers a single theater experience,10 minutes alone in the Trafó's Theater Hall. Not online. Now or never. Be the audience and the performer in one person!

Light: János Marton
Sound: János Makkai
Video: Attila Hajas
Concept, script and direction: Zsolt Haraszti
ticket office:
  • Main hall performance days: 5 pm - 10 pm
  • studio and club performance days: 5 pm - 8:30 pm
  • other days: 5pm - 8 pm
Trafó Gallery opening hours:
  • Performance days: 4-10pm.
  • Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 4pm-7pm.
  • Closed on Mondays.

  • The Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza Nonprofit Kft. works in the maintance of Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata.

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