in Hungarian
An unconventional mixture of music, literature and theatre performed by Küklopsz Workshop Company based on the first three volumes of the new book series 'Apokrif Könyvek', published this summer, by the authors: László Bödecs, Tibor Juhász and Nóra Szendi.
With: László BÖDECS, Tibor JUHÁSZ, Nóra SZENDI, Tamás HORKAI, Zoltán ERŐS
Moderator: János CSEPREGI, Ádám VARGA
Supported by: Fiatal Írók Szövetsége, NKA
An unconventional mixture of music, literature and theatre performed by Küklopsz Workshop Company based on the first three volumes of the new book series 'Apokrif Könyvek', published this summer, by the authors: László Bödecs, Tibor Juhász and Nóra Szendi.
With: László BÖDECS, Tibor JUHÁSZ, Nóra SZENDI, Tamás HORKAI, Zoltán ERŐS
Moderator: János CSEPREGI, Ádám VARGA
Supported by: Fiatal Írók Szövetsége, NKA