Warning: This show features stroboscopic effects, and as such is not recommended for pregnant women, those who suffer from epilepsy, or anyone with a pace maker.
How can traditions exist in the era of celebrity idols? What tools can be used today to trigger transcendental processes? How can an analytic and deconstructive dialogue metamorphose out of Beyoncé’s hit song, ‘Drunk in Love’? ‘Krund ni Ovel’ is a ritualistic performance, a dialogue between movement, music and visual arts, that plays with the concept of clichés.
Dancer and choreographer Zsófia Tamara Vadas studied choreography and dance pedagogy at the Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy. She was awarded the Lábán Rudolf Award for the performance ‘SkinMe’.
Media artist and musician Ábris Gryllus studied visual communication at the Moholy-Nagy University of Arts and Design, Budapest. His sound installations were presented at the Berlin Gallery Weekend and Vienna Design Week in 2013, the Soundscapes Festival in 2014, and the Venice Biennale and Off Biennale Budapest in 2015.
With: Zsófia Tamara VADAS, Ábris GRYLLUS
Ligt: Kata DÉZSI
Production partner: Katlan Csoport
Production manager: KOVÁCS Andrea / Let it Be! art agency
Main sponsors: Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma, Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, Műhely Alapítvány
Sponsors: Sín Kulturális Központ, Új Előadóművészeti Alapítvány
Special thanks: DALLOS Máté, TÓTH Márton Emil

How can traditions exist in the era of celebrity idols? What tools can be used today to trigger transcendental processes? How can an analytic and deconstructive dialogue metamorphose out of Beyoncé’s hit song, ‘Drunk in Love’? ‘Krund ni Ovel’ is a ritualistic performance, a dialogue between movement, music and visual arts, that plays with the concept of clichés.
Dancer and choreographer Zsófia Tamara Vadas studied choreography and dance pedagogy at the Budapest Contemporary Dance Academy. She was awarded the Lábán Rudolf Award for the performance ‘SkinMe’.
Media artist and musician Ábris Gryllus studied visual communication at the Moholy-Nagy University of Arts and Design, Budapest. His sound installations were presented at the Berlin Gallery Weekend and Vienna Design Week in 2013, the Soundscapes Festival in 2014, and the Venice Biennale and Off Biennale Budapest in 2015.
With: Zsófia Tamara VADAS, Ábris GRYLLUS
Ligt: Kata DÉZSI
Production partner: Katlan Csoport
Production manager: KOVÁCS Andrea / Let it Be! art agency
Main sponsors: Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma, Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, Műhely Alapítvány
Sponsors: Sín Kulturális Központ, Új Előadóművészeti Alapítvány
Special thanks: DALLOS Máté, TÓTH Márton Emil