NEXTFESZT / Nyitott Stúdió

    Irene Plaque

    A workshop ingyenes, a részvételi szándékod a következő e-mailcímen jelezd: 
    Once a month, on Mondays, Trafó opens its Liliom Street dance studio to all those who love to move. Each time a different choreographer or dancer shares some of their favorite practices. The aim is not necessarily to learn a choreography, but to move together, to recharge and to learn from each other.

    Irene Plaque is a collective of friends and colleagues, dancers and choreographers, who have been working together for several years in Hungary (Alja Branc, Katalin Bitó, Zsófia Szász). They see contemporary dance as sensitive to body and mind, inclusive in its techniques, aesthetics, topics, and performers, and anti-capitalist in supporting human-size actions. Their collaboration is based on these principles and has grown from economic, human, and artistic necessities. They wish to work with what inspires them, but direct their attention to societal awareness, starting from their connection and discussions amongst themselves. It is important for them to challenge the traditional creative process and their manner of collaboration. They seek creativity in celebrating the potential of any idea and this will take the leading role at Open Studio.

    Irene Plaque’s thoughts on the workshop:
    “Irene has a way of working, they'll share it with you. The method is to appreciate all suggestions and take all our actions as if it were already the performance. Your thoughts and ideas will lead the way. We will dance, and analyze, we are sarcastic enough to take things seriously.”

    The workshop is free, but places are limited, so please RSVP quickly to
    In English, Hungarian-friendly (translation available on request)
    Jegypénztár nyitva tartás:
    • nagytermi előadásnapokon: 17h - előadás vége + 30 perc, max. 22h
    • stúdió-, kabin- és klubelőadás napokon: 17h-20h30
    • egyéb napokon: 17h-20h
    Trafó Galéria nyitvatartás:
    • Előadási napokon 16-22h.
    • Nyitva: kedd-vasárnap: 16h-19h
    • Hétfőnként zárva.

    • A Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza Nonprofit Kft. Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata fenntartásában működik.