Try to make a simple gesture, no matter how small!
Participating Artists: Ciprian MUREŞAN, Yeondoo JUNG, Johanna BILLING, Kateřina ŠEDÁ, Miklós MÉCS, Daniel KNORR, Arthur KLEINJAN
Curated by: SIMON Kati
Nearly two decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall, it seems we have fallen back into disenchantment and have lost our possible illusions. Amidst the general disinterest, we only dare pose the question hesitantly: is there a way out of this disenchantment? Are those who think the world can be changed mere dreamers? Is it possible for the individual to have any effect on the systems of his or her environment in the immediate or wider sense of the word?
Programs related to the exhibition.
The artistic concepts behind the works featured at the exhibition have been shaped along the lines of motivation which changes social and human situations. Change, the possibility for change, becomes achievable as a result of a gesture, a minimal measure of intervention, on the part of the artist. It is just sufficient to flash us a glimpse of the imagined, if only for a moment, while also placing reality in a new light, and, in a sense, building a bridge between the two.
With the support of:
Román Kulturális Intézet, Cseh Centrum