Lázár Gábor, Új Látásmód Fúzió, ooo, Lil Holt

Electrify vol. 20

2400 HUF / in advanced booking: 1900 HUF 

After almost seven years of adventurous music events, Trafó’s Electrify series has reached its 20th episode. To appreciate this moment, Electrify will host four local acts from different generations and scenes to light up the concert hall.

Internationally renown Gábor Lázár will present his hyperkinetic analytical club sounds while Új Látásmód Fúzió’s showmanship will blend new wave, electro and industrial. Representing a younger generation, ooo from the experimental techno scene and Lil Holt, the Hungarian trap scene’s most colourful personality will both express their image of contemporary realities.

Gábor Lázár has found his own voice very early in his career. The method he mostly focuses on reduces and overturns electronic music’s well-known genres through precise abstractions and carefully planned experiments. No matter if he is dissecting 2-step, electro or techno, the end result shows a process that uses a limited toolset very cleverly and with a lot of determination and force. He has produced releases for Lorenzo Senni’s ‘Presto!?!’, Boomkat’s ‘Death Of Rave’, and collaborative releases with the likes of Russell Haswell and Mark Fell. There’s a continued interest in his works, resulting in appearances at Atonal, Unsound, Berghain to name a few and his music has been picked up by artists of the highest caliber like Aphex Twin.

Founded by Gáspár Kornél in 1992, Új Látásmód Fúzió is one of the country’s most precious hidden gems. Musically it occupies a space between new wave, electro and industrial. The lyrics, mostly in Hungarian, evoke a poignant and mysterious combination of poetic descriptions of the post-socialist reality, unmistakably dystopic images of the future that are sweetened by an almost folksy humour of a bygone era. This in itself would already win Új Látásmód Fúzió a considerable chapter in the history books of the Hungarian electronic music scene. What makes this baritone voice absolutely inimitable though is the fact that the songs are delivered with a wonderfully charming avant-garde showmanship that is both surprising and self-evident at the same time.

OOO is the experimental music moniker of the free jazz rooted multi-instrumentalist Márton Csernovszky who appeared on the scene as a member of such great bands as Best Bad Trip or Deus Ex Quartet. His style varies between ephemeral harmonies and infernal beats lead by a romantic and narrative approach. Debuting with Sírversek I-VI, a promising album released last year on the Hungarian label Exiles, he presented a collection of IDM inspired epigrams and techno poems which put his talents on full display.

Holt Lenszkij is a Budapest based writer, noisesmith and performance artist, one of the most colourful characters of the flourishing local soundcloud rap scene. Lil Holt and Lenszkij are two of his monikers rooted in hiphop, trap and trash rap. While Lil Holt’s music is built on cold, cloudy synth sounds, heavy kickdrums and expressive lyrics, Lenszkij is leaning towards a Dadaist pop act supported by heaps of autotune effects. It’s hard to say what we can expect from him at Trafó, but an entertaining ride is pretty much guaranteed if you come along. 

ticket office:
  • Main hall performance days: 5 pm - 10 pm
  • studio and club performance days: 5 pm - 8:30 pm
  • other days: 5pm - 8 pm
Trafó Gallery opening hours:
  • Performance days: 4-10pm.
  • Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 4pm-7pm.
  • Closed on Mondays.

  • The Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza Nonprofit Kft. works in the maintance of Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata.

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