On 10 April Andrea Tompa dance critic will be talking with Jérôme Bel choreographer after the performance (in English with Hungarian translation). Everybody is welcome!
„Jérôme Bel is the naughty French philosophe of contemporary dance, a mischievously entertaining conceptualist who is less interested in movement than in messing with your head. […] In The Show Must Go On (2001), a bopalong performance to pop songs, the dancers sing snatches of the lyrics; more recently the performers simply talk a lot.” (Sanjoy Roy, theguardian.com)
Last year his performance the Disabled Theater, and the year before Pitchet Klunchun and myself met with huge success in Trafó.
Conception and direction: Jérôme Bel
Music: Leonard Bernstein, David Bowie, Nick Cave, Norman Gimbel and Charles Fox, J. Horner, W.Jennings, Mark Knopfler, John Lennon and Paul Mac Cartney, Louiguy, Galt Mac Dermott, George Michael, Erick "More" Morillo and M. Quashie, Edith Piaf, The Police et Hugh Padgham, Queen, Lionel Richie, A.Romero Monge and R. Ruiz, Paul Simon
With: Hester Van Hasselt, Emma Vandenbempt, Peter Vandenbempt, Dina Ed Dik, Henrique Neves, Francesca Mattavelli, Fernando Carrion, Gisèle Pelozuelo, Johannes Sundrup, Eric Affergan, Gaspard Guilbert, Aurélia Petit, Frédéric Seguette, Marie-Louise Gilcher, Damian Bright, Simone Truong
Assistants: Frederic Seguette, Olga de Soto
Casting: Barbara Van Lindt, Jérôme Bel
Technical direction: Johannes Sundrup, Gilles Gentner
Production: Theatre de la Ville (Paris), Gasthuis (Amsterdam), Centre Choregraphique National Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillon (Montpellier), Arteleku Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia (San Sebastian), R.B. (Paris)
Subsidies: R.B. Jerome Bel is supported by the Direction regionale des affaires culturelles dIle-de-France (French Ministry of Culture and Communication) and by Cultures France (French Ministry for Foreign Affairs) for its international tours
Production manager: Sandro Grando