3600 HUF
discounted: 3200 HUF
student: 2600 HUF
Trafo passes are accepted
Accompanying program
We invite you for the Toldalék program of Thought Generator, which starts at 7PM in előtér! This time the audience members will have the opportunity to map their own internet personality with the help of AI and algorithms.On the 18th of July, 2021 Gabby Petito and her fiancé, Brian Laundrie began their journey to fulfill a dream, unreachable to many, and travel the world with a camper van. Originally, the journey was supposed to last until October, when they planned to return to the girl’s parents. However, in September it was only Brian who returned, without Gaby, to his own parents. By exploring the story, as well as the personal stories of the participants, the play aims to reveal the nuanced, problematic aspect of social media, its characters, and their surrounding world, our world.
Philologist, desing- and art manager, photographer, singer, host - director, sport trainer, theatre dramaturg, actor, musician.
B. Nagy Réka (@bnagyreka_official)
Bódi Zsófia
Georgita Máté Dezső (@matedezso)
Horváth Balázs (@iambalazshorvath)
Horváth Panna (@pannahorvath)
Kiss Imre (@kiss_imi)
Szabó Hédi (@hedinke)
A produkció a Budapest Főváros Önkormányzat által meghirdetett Staféta program keretében valósult meg.
Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata | |
FÜGE Produkció | |
Staféta program |
Az amerikai Gabby Pepito sztoriját 2021 nyarán úgy követték százmilliók világszerte, mint egy true crime sorozatot. A történetből Bódi Zsófia, Horváth Panna és Georgita Máté Dezső Túlságosan vékony falak címmel készített előadást, melynek premierjét március 17-én tartják a Trafóban.