Cancer is taboo in Hungary and there is a stigma attached to it. PanoDrama aims to change that through a series of projects running since 2016. The founder of the company was diagnosed with the illness and has made it her mission to enlighten and educate her audience about it.
The show is in Hungarian.
On stage: Kata Bartsch, István Dankó, Mara Dobra, Zsófia Szamosi, Krisztina Urbanovits, Gergely Váradi
Dancers: András Engelmann, Barbara Eyassu-Vincze, Júlia Gaál, Levente Lukács, Réka Rácz, Virág Rovó, Zsófia Temesvári, Máté Váth
Concept: Anna Lengyel
Direction: Tamás Ördög
Dramaturg: Anna Hárs
Choreography: Adrienn Hód
Costume Design: Pattantyús Dóra
Video: Fancsikai Péter
Production and Directing Assistant: Tímea Éva Bogya
Assistant to the Dramaturgs: Sára Törley-Havas
Costume Assistant: Letícia Bartos
Light/Sound Technician: Balázs Szabon
Press Relations: Orsolya Gálos
Production: Edina Kenesei
Co-production Partners: Trafo House of Contemporary Arts, Lőrinczy György - Szentendrei Teátrum
Special Thanks: Jurányi Art Incubator House, Judit Garai, Zita Rihay-Kovács
Szentendrei Teátrum | |
Jurányi Produkciós Közösségi Inkubátorház |