Juhász Maja - Zilahy Anna

A KEY that opens many locks is a good key, a lock that opens for many keys is a bad lock

4200 Ft
3200 HUF - student, teacher, retired
Trafo passes are accepted
#sex #weknowbetter #inaBarbieworld
Hi guys!!!

Do you know how to be a good woman?
You don't!
Do you know what kind of sex life is worth living?
You don't!
Do you know why being a man is better than being a woman?
You don't!
What do you think you have to wear to make everyone fall in love with you?
You have no idea!
Do you think you're a feminist?
You don't know!
Did you know that 40% of 6 is almost 3?
You didn't!
Do you think you're sexist?
You don't know!
Did you play Barbie when you were little?
You don't remember!
Can you run as fast as a man?
You can't!
Did you know that genitals are also safer in foil?
You didn't!
But still, is it harder to be a woman than a man?
You don't know!
How can we be more beautiful?
You don't know!
Which is better, the pink or the key?
Huh? You don't know!
Is the lock necessarily bad if the key is good?
You don't even understand the question!
Have you ever heard that women can keep the world running  just like that?
No, you haven't!

It's okay that you don't know anything. That is why we do what we do. We teach you everything. We are the sunshine. We shine on you and something blossoms. 

Welcome to our musical seminar!

Anna and Maja
Supported by Trafó, Csokonai Nonprofit Ltd., TÁP Theater and Freeszfe Association in the framework of the 6th TITÁNium programme.
Performers: Lili Erdős, Maja Juhász, Noémi Juniki, Emina Messaoudi, Tímea Udvari-Kardos, Gergely Váradi, Anna Zilahy
The voice of the reader's letter: Pál Kárpáti
Movement: Márton Birta
Music: Agata Angilella
Stage design: Luca Sára Jeli, Csenge Jeli
Dramaturge: Bori Oláh-Bebesi
Creators: Maja Juhász, Anna Zilahy

A KEY that opens many locks is a good key, a lock that opens for many keys is a bad lock Csokonai Nonprofit Kft.
A KEY that opens many locks is a good key, a lock that opens for many keys is a bad lock Freeszfe Egyesület
A KEY that opens many locks is a good key, a lock that opens for many keys is a bad lock TÁP Színház
A KEY that opens many locks is a good key, a lock that opens for many keys is a bad lock TITÁNium Színházi Projekt
ticket office:
  • Main hall performance days: 5 pm - 10 pm
  • studio and club performance days: 5 pm - 8:30 pm
  • other days: 5pm - 8 pm
Trafó Gallery opening hours:
  • Performance days: 4-10pm.
  • Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 4pm-7pm.
  • Closed on Mondays.

  • The Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza Nonprofit Kft. works in the maintance of Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata.

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