Trojka Theatre Company: Saïd

1500 HUF / Student: 1200 HUF
General Season Pass is valid
Twin Pass is valid

In Hungarian with English subtitles

based on the Screens by Jean Genet

Spit in your hand, it will give you power.
Stand on your feet and raise your face.
It will make you strong.
Steal wings, and you can cross the sea.
Your adversity will be with you.
It sticks to you as crabs to man's balls or the roundness to oranges.
You carry it like your shadow.
When nobody needs you anymore,
your adversity will turn to you, and also your footprints,
but not for helping you to get to somewhere
but for leaving you live happily where you are.
Trojka Theatre Company was formed in June 2013 by Attila Soós (Hungary). They are seeking to establish a form of independent existence, which focuses to every single aspect of the creative process.  Trojka based on the combination of adaptation - movement and gesture language unity - music and visual unity.
They are looking for literature pieces whose theatrical adaptation is not obvious at the first sight.
The descriptive literary genres like novels, short stories metamorphose into active genres by the personal interpretation of their group.
They create movements, which create images, which turn into scenes, which build a story.
Every visual element generates a musical composite. The visual world of Trojka’s productions is minimalist,  which has the added benefit of making the performance easy to adapt into different theatrical spaces.
Saïd: JÉGER Zsombor
Az Anya/The Mother: HAY Anna                            
Leila/Malika: FARKAS Franciska
Sir Harold/Kádi/Főhadnagy /Sir Harold/Cadi/Lieutenant: BÁRNAI Péter
Musztafa/Madani/Őrmester /Mustafa/Madani/Sergeant: JASKÓ Bálint
Átirat / Text adaptation: SOÓS Attila és MUHI Zsófia
Díszlettervező / Set design: MIKLÓS Dániel
Jelmeztervező / Costume design: SZLÁVIK Júlia és SZABÓ Márton István
Zeneszerző / Music: KERESZTES Gábor
Dramaturg / Dramaturgy: MUHI Zsófia
Produkciós vezető / Production manager: BARSI Gizella
Rendezőasszisztens / Assistant to the director: GYŐRI Aliz
Technikus / Technician: SZAPU Márk
Rendező /Director: SOÓS Attila
Box Office opening hours:
  • Main hall performance days: 5 pm - 10 pm
  • studio and club performance days: 5 pm - 8:30 pm
  • other days: 5pm - 8 pm
Trafó Gallery opening hours:
  • Performance days: 4-10pm.
  • Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 4pm-7pm.
  • Closed on Mondays.

  • The Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza Nonprofit Kft. works in the maintance of Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata.

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