1500 Ft (Trafó bérlet érvényes)
What is chance? Does it even exist? If only we were smart and quick enough as we toss the dice, perhaps we could calculate, before it hits the ground, which of its faces it will turn to us? Is chance nothing but a measure of our ignorance? Let’s take a cerebral and visceral look at chance – perhaps we will end up looking at one another. A mathematician gives a lecture on the notion of chance. In the meantime a dance performance is going on, one of whose organising principles is chance. The internal logic of the piece never ceases to puzzle the audience. Scientists and artists, closed up in their own crazy worlds, fussing over a concept that determines our life.
Directed by: Szabó Réka Performed by: Vancsó Ödön, Mérő László Choreography and dance: Szabó Csongor, Jarovinszkij Vera, Kopeczny Kata, Réti Anna, Szabó Réka, Szász Dániel Music: Márkos Albert Costume: Pillangó Lighting: Németh Richárd, Payer Ferenc Hair: Lime Stúdió