Photo: Tóth Ridovics Máté
The Krétakör’s latest project summarizes and continues to develop the organization’s experiences from the past 3 years. Crisis is the story of the Gát family: the three members of the family are presented in the parts through various genres of performing arts.
The trilogy’s final part is the tale of the mother, Lilla Gát. The previously celebrated actress from the capital city is now working as a dedicated drama pedagogue in a village far from Budapest. Her surroundings take an aversion to her unique educational methods. The 20 student participants of the theatrical performance were chosen from a program announced amongst Hungarian Romanian drama groups organized with the involvement of the Osonó Theatre Workshop of Sepsiszentgyörgy, whilst the performance was created with a number of innovative theatre pedagogy methods.
Író, rendező/Writer, director: SCHILLING Árpád
Rendezőasszisztens/Assistant director: JUHÁSZ Bálint
Szakmai partner/Artistic partner: Osonó Színházműhely/FAZAKAS Mihály
Szereplők/Presenters: Gát Lilla: SÁROSDI Lilla
Testnevelés tanár/PE teacher: TERHES Sándor
Diákok/Students: Erdélyi magyar iskolák tanulói/Students of Hungarian schools in Erdély
The Krétakör’s latest project summarizes and continues to develop the organization’s experiences from the past 3 years. Crisis is the story of the Gát family: the three members of the family are presented in the parts through various genres of performing arts.
The trilogy’s final part is the tale of the mother, Lilla Gát. The previously celebrated actress from the capital city is now working as a dedicated drama pedagogue in a village far from Budapest. Her surroundings take an aversion to her unique educational methods. The 20 student participants of the theatrical performance were chosen from a program announced amongst Hungarian Romanian drama groups organized with the involvement of the Osonó Theatre Workshop of Sepsiszentgyörgy, whilst the performance was created with a number of innovative theatre pedagogy methods.
Író, rendező/Writer, director: SCHILLING Árpád
Rendezőasszisztens/Assistant director: JUHÁSZ Bálint
Szakmai partner/Artistic partner: Osonó Színházműhely/FAZAKAS Mihály
Szereplők/Presenters: Gát Lilla: SÁROSDI Lilla
Testnevelés tanár/PE teacher: TERHES Sándor
Diákok/Students: Erdélyi magyar iskolák tanulói/Students of Hungarian schools in Erdély