1200 Ft / Season Ticket is valid
A program by KÉK - Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre.
Pecha Kucha Night was started in Tokyo back in 2003 and is now running in over 380 cities worldwide. In Budapest it has been organized for over 4 years and attracted 200 to 700 viewers each time.
Pecha Kucha (something like chitchat in English) Nights have their unique rules to keep the presentations concise. Each presenter is allowed 20 images, shown for 20 seconds each – giving 6 minutes 40 seconds of fame before the next presenter is up. This keeps the beers cold and the interest level up. Plus, it gives more people the chance to show.
This time, as part of Concrete Spring 2011 program of KÉK, we will feature very concrete presentations… about concrete.
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