1900 Ft / Student: 1500Ft / Season Ticket is valid
Kun Attila: ID
"I thought a lot about why choosing the internationally well-known abbreviation instead of giving Identity as the title of my show. Long philosophical and esoteric analysis would come along with Identity as a notion. The attempt is great, but it's simpler to confess that during my work abroad I'm working on a show that is meant to be my company's show. I mean that company whose intellectual and professional funds were created by myself. This company now has been living on its own for three years." It will be a harrowing and important moment when PR- Evolution Dance Company will present the ID show.
Mészáros Máté:
We change. We are ourselves changing, our body changes as the time pass by and our thoughts are influenced by our experiences compared to our environment. I focus on the exploration of different methods throughout the show. The necessity of change becomes action and situation on stage and this generates continuously changing relationships among the dancers. The interaction forms greatly the individuals' fate thus achieving the mirror of reality on stage.
Supported by: Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza, Műhely Alapítvány, Nemzeti Erőforrás Minisztérium, Fővárosi Közgyűlés Kulturális Bizottsága, NKA, Művész Mozi, SÍN Kulturális Központ, Új Előadóművészeti Alapítvány, Merlin Színház, Orkesztika Alapítvány- Mozdulatművészeti Stúdió, Rentit, Ultima Vez, ESZME, Kolosy Táncstúdió