A monologue for notanyonepeople

**70 min, In Hungarian**

“The word autism is derived from the word autos (itself). Everyone person is his or herself. This would lead to the conclusion that everyone is autistic. Since this can’t be, I’m baffled by the matter.”

They live with us – with irresistible simplicity and with an immeasurable sensibility towards the world. They always sense what they should do, but the sincerity of their being still defies this urge, making them act differently. Their hearts are full of love and their every sentence is a huge exclamation mark in itself. If they’re talking, they have to laugh. If they’re silent, it’s insufferable. They are the notnobodypersons.

“I can only hug and caress someone, when I want to and not when the other person wants me to. At the moment, the only person I hug is my psychiatrist. He tells me that he’s a very luck person, but I have no idea what luck’s got do with hugging.”

“The questions pile up my mind like loafs of bread at the factory where my uncle works. The factory is a bakery and my uncle handles the slicing machine. Sometimes the slicer doesn’t work fast enough, but the bread just keeps coming, which congests things. Sometimes, I think of my brain like a machine, but not always as a bread-slicer. This way, it’s easier to explain to people what’s going on inside of me.”

Taking the lead in Orlai Productions’ latest venture is Enikő Börcsök, who tries addressing autism, a very important and mysterious subject, through the writings of Seth F. Henriett (Closed Into Myself with Autism), Mark Haddon (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time), Donna Williams (Nobody Nowhere) and Birger Sellin (I Don’t Want to be Inside Me Anymore).

Creators of the performance: Enikő BÖRCSÖK, Eszter GYULAY, Tibor GIBÁRTI, Zoltán ROSTÁS, József TÓTH
Special thanks to Zsuzsa SZKÁROSSY


Box Office opening hours:
  • Main hall performance days: 5 pm - 10 pm
  • studio and club performance days: 5 pm - 8:30 pm
  • other days: 5pm - 8 pm
Trafó Gallery opening hours:
  • Performance days: 4-10pm.
  • Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 4pm-7pm.
  • Closed on Mondays.

  • The Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza Nonprofit Kft. works in the maintance of Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata.

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