in advanced booking: 1200 Ft / on the day of the performance: 1600 Ft (Trafó Season Ticket is not valid!)
The performance is in Hungarian!
“The company founded by Vilmos Vajdai and Győző Szabó more than fifteen years ago had its first performances in “Tilos az Á” (TÁP is an acronym for Tilos az Á Performance). The team has sworn to be open, to experiment with forms, to think in the genesis of theatre, to use not just dramatic, but literary, musical and artistic effects, along with modern stage craft and technology to enhance these effects. The company’s productions are usually once-in-a-lifetime performances, linked to place and time, a premier every night. If perchance the same production gets performed again, it still won’t be a repeat… For the cast of players is different every single time, depending on who has free time and who feels like playing.” (Ferenc Darvasi)
The Curators is a special theatrical experiment based on the grotesque word of cultural tendering, applying, giving and getting and asking for money in the field of culture.
Galambos Attila, Háy János, Mohácsi István, Takátsy Péter, Tasnádi István, Vinnai András
Bozsik Yvette, Horváth Csaba, Keszég László, Tasnádi István, Vajdai Vilmos
Bánki Gergő, Ezüsthigany, Felhőfi-Kiss László, Hegedűs D. Géza, Keresztes Tamás, Keszég László, Mészáros Béla, Pálmai Anna, Takátsy Péter, Váradi Gábor, Zrínyi Gál Vince, Fortedanse Társulat, Bozsik Yvette Társulat, KoMa …
With the support of: