Kovács Gerzson Péter - TranzDanz

2000 Ft / Student: 1500 Ft (Trafó Season Ticket is valid!)

It is twenty years now since Péter Kovács Gerzson and his company TranzDanz gradually moulded their unique choreographic language into a form using elements of original Hungarian folkdance in truly contemporary choreographies. The company’s first piece, Temporary Title, was presented at the International Choreographers’ Meeting in Bagnolet (France) and invited to The Place (London), among others. Tranzdanz has been a key company on the Hungarian dance scene for the past two decades. The new piece, re-DNA, yet again sheds light on Kovács’ critical, often grotesque views of our world and society today.

Trough the „initiation ritual or ceremony” man gains a new quality, becomes who he is, and supposed to be: a being open to spiritual life, a part and vehicle of culture (Eliade); he becomes capable of creating and can identify himself.

Culture is rooted in the past, it has its history. Man’s cultural memory is not factual either, it is influenced by our way of thinking (actual-DNA1). Culture is changing as the vehicle of information changes, as times change. In fact culture’s ability to change (actual-DNA2) is inevitable to its existence and survival. The duality of change and constancy, universal (trans-DNA) and individual traits coexist in culture and in the individual’s spiritual life.

Mechanisms of high culture operate by reinterpreting tradition; creating new by the abstraction of symbols/language of tradition. We live in a constantly renewed archaic spiritual transition and have a desire for renovation, one of the decisive existential experiences of the human being: re-DNA.

The evolving of this new quality, that man gains through initiation is a process, there is no detectable moment of change, nor a door to step through. There is no „rite”; the preparation for the „rite” is the „initiation” itself, the proof of existence of the re-DNA mechanism.

After Trans Dance, Temporary Title, Astral Years, Coda, and Hic et nunc KGP and Mihály Dresch Dudás work together again. The legendary Hungarian jazz musician has two young percussionists Ernő Hock (double-bass) and Márton Bakai (violin) on his side.

The three TranzDanz-dancers are this time Zoltán Zsuráfszi Jr., Gábor Bora and Gábor Baka Katona.

KGP, the Choreographer examines the connections between permanence and change, the universal and the individual, the and the aleatory in this performance, which is based on the interaction of live music and dance.

Choreographer, visual designer: Kovács Gerzson Péter
Composer: Dresch Dudás Mihály
Bora Gábor, Katona Gábor, ifj. Zsuráfszki Zoltán
Dresch Mihály, Bakay Márton, Hock Ernő
Technical assistance: Payer Ferenc

With the support of:
MÁNE, Kultúrmata

ticket office:
  • Main hall performance days: 5 pm - 10 pm
  • studio and club performance days: 5 pm - 8:30 pm
  • other days: 5pm - 8 pm
Trafó Gallery opening hours:
  • Performance days: 4-10pm.
  • Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 4pm-7pm.
  • Closed on Mondays.

  • The Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza Nonprofit Kft. works in the maintance of Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata.