Ville Walo & Kalle Hakkarainen

2000 Ft / Student: 1500 Ft (Trafó Season Ticket is valid!)

In the frame of Temps d’ Images Festival and Circle Around Programme

We are organizing a post-show discussion after the performance on 19th February. Everbody is welcome!

Katoamispiste tells in the language of circus of the wonders in the surrounding everyday world. It expresses something essential about the nature of reality through its unrealistic approach, its magic tricks and its abstract movement. Something that is unattainable in words. In the speechless performance, music, imagery and physical movement are tightly interwoven.

The capturing images of the performance are created using old film material as well as the newest digital techniques. The image projected on the large screens precipitates the stage’s own climate, independent of natural laws. A climate in which cities change shape, form and unravel, and one can travel in time and distance in an instant.

’A performance to see. Necessarily.
(…) The performance is an alternation of emotions, projections of video that interact with the two artists. Entering and stepping out of the scene they juggle with their own images projected on 3 very large screens that define the boundaries of the stage. Very scarce objects on stage and a total absence of a scenography, besides the three screens themselves. The capacity to utilize the lights adds to the fascination of a performance that puts everything at stake for a variation from a personal and refined juggling to instants of gloom and solitude. Moments of subtle irony loosen the tension that is created second per second. And then a dip into the sea…’
(Marco Papparella and Francesco Sgró, Juggling Magazine 2004)

A Review from Teatteri magazine 07/2004:

Composed by:
Ville Walo, Kalle Hakkarainen és Anne Jämsä
Choreographed and performed by:
Ville Walo és Kalle Hakkarainen
Set and costume design: Anne Jämsä
Lighting design: Marianne Nyberg
Cinematography and editing: Kalle Hakkarainen
Drawn animation: Leena Nio

Scanner + Stephen Vitiello, Xploding Plastix, The Herbaliser, DJ Food, Desormais, Susumu Yokota, Jaga Jazzist

Co-production partners:
Kiasma Theatre, Cirko Center of New Cirkus and Autinkobaletti

With the support of:

ticket office:
  • Main hall performance days: 5 pm - 10 pm
  • studio and club performance days: 5 pm - 8:30 pm
  • other days: 5pm - 8 pm
Trafó Gallery opening hours:
  • Performance days: 4-10pm.
  • Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 4pm-7pm.
  • Closed on Mondays.

  • The Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza Nonprofit Kft. works in the maintance of Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata.