2500 Ft / Student: 1900 Ft (Trafó Season Ticket is not valid!)
Post-show Talk (5 January, 2009) Everybody welcome!
In the frame of Circle Around Programme
The world of these two Swiss performers revolves quite literally on a turntable. Rubber-limbed circus artist Martin Zimmermann spins his way around a day's existence, lived out in DJ Dimitri de Perrot's fabulous live soundscape. Each inspires the other's next move or sound. Consumer society being temporary and disposable, they work in a striking décor made of cardboard. Need a throwaway house, a chair, table or even a cat? All appear at the press of a thumb on a section of wall. A fascinating balance of power between characters, movement and music.
Composed, directed and performed by: Martin Zimmermann & Dimitri de Perrot
Choreography by: Martin Zimmermann
Music: Dimitri de Perrot
Set design: Zimmermann & de Perrot
Light design: Ursula Degen
Sound design and electronic: Andy Neresheimer
Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne; Le Merlan, scène nationale à Marseille; Theater Chur; Association Zimmermann de Perrot; PiuFestival-Brescia.
With the support of:
Zürich város és Zürich kanton kulturális bizottsága, Pro Helvetia Alapítvány, Pour-cent culturel Migros, Fondation Sophie et Karl Binding, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, SSA (Société Suisse des Auteurs); BNP Parisbas