2500 Ft / Student: 1800 Ft (Trafó Season Ticket is valid!)
This is the last time PESTIESTI will be seen in Trafó in this form! What’s more, in June Krétakör offers the inverse of the performance: the audience will have a chance to watch the scenes happening outside from the street, by the walls of Trafó, and follow the inside scenes projected on the wall of the building.
The starting point of PESTIESTI, created in September 2007, is the well-known Budapest program guide. Classified ads, fashion show, special costumes, masks, projection, live music, words and dance. Altogether: a cuvée. But all these are just means to answer a single, but rather complicated question: how do we exist in this city? Or in a larger perspective: how do we exist in the world?
It is an artistic, theatrical challenge for costume designers. The creations will be presented by actors – this way the generally cold and purely aesthetic beauty of traditional fashion shows is replaced by a vivid performance full of theatrical elements.
Bánki Gergely, Csákányi Eszter, Gyabronka József, Katona László, Láng Annamária, Mucsi Zoltán, Ötvös András, Péterfy Borbála, Sárosdi Lilla, Scherer Péter, Šivak Dražen, Specht-Ronique Verena, Terhes Sándor, Tóth Attila, Tóth Orsi , Wallmüller Moritz, Werner Tilo, Yang Li
Directors: Nagy Fruzsina, Láng Annamária
Ágh Márton (scene), Anev Kámen (visual), Bozsóki Imre és Walmüller Moritz (music), Büki Dóra (assistant of the director), Éltető András (light), Juhász András és Gábor Marci (video), Merényi Dávid (photo), Nagy Fruzsina (costume), Spala Korinna (choreography), Temesvári Balázs (sound), Veress Anna (dramaturgy), Vinnai András (poem, prose)
Bankó Andrea, Belényesi Zoltán, Bódi Lajos, Erős Balázs, Günther Sarah, Juristovszky Tamara, Lakatos Erika, Lakatos Leila, Mervel Miklós, Pirityi Emese, Uhrovszky László, Urbanizer Visual Crew, Volcsánszky Fanny
Production Manager: Gáspár Máté
With the support of:
Pesti Est, Moviebar Productions