Free Programme!

9 pm 19th November 2007
Venue: Flórián Műhely (1033 Budapest, Flórián tér 3.)
László Kollár-Klemencz: Once everyone goes home

Somewhere, far away there is no man’s land. In no man’s land grass is green like everywhere else, there are hills and trees, that we call forest if they are close enough to each other. Here live the Little cow and three other beings: Tete bear, the Rabbit and the Hunter. They have lived here for a long time and they are not waiting to anybody or anything. Their life is very boring, but sometimes one of them has an idea or something bad happens to them that the Little cow manages to solve..., or not.
The piece is a philosophical tale about living in harmony with themselves, without any ideas and pragmatic philosophy ; simply, with much humour and in an honestly open minded way.

Directed by: Kollár-Klemencz László
Written by: Kollár-Klemencz László
Animation: Igor Lazin
Music: Kollár-Klemencz László
Dramaturgy: Dúró Gábor
Stage: Igor Lazin
Costume: Berzsenyi Kriszta
Narration: Kollár-Klemencz László
Live music: Kistehén Tánczenekar
Little Cow: Scherer Péter
Rabbit: Müller Juli
Tete bear: Elek Ferenc
Hunter: Thuróczy Szabolcs

9 pm 20th November 2007
Venue: MU Theater (1117 Budapest, Kőrösy J. u. 17.)
Ernst Süss: Relations

Everything is relative. The figure does not exist without any background. However the background exists without any figure. Experimental environmental game with projection and silent acting.

Concept / Video: Ernst Süss
In collaboration with:
Méhes Csaba (Performer)
Payer Ferenc (Light design)
Sebestény Ferenc (Scenography)
Oldal István (Stage manager)
Fóris Ildikó (Assistant)

9 pm 21st November 2007
Venue: SÍN Cultural Center
(1184 Budapest, Lenkei utca 17-19.)
Medence Csoport: Zevgar

‘They saw the midnight bricklayers sprinkling wine onto the bases in secret, catching the bird’s shade with bricks. They saw them whispering to the stone before hitting on it, making the sign of the cross on their own mouth every morning before work and the century-long determination of these people made them feel ashamed.’
There will be a free bus shuttle from Erzsébet square to SÍN!
The bus (MB Travel) leaves at 7 pm from the bus stop opposite the main stairs of Gödör. The bus comes back from SÍN at 10:30 pm and arrives at the same spot at Erzsébet square.

9 pm 22nd November 2007
Venue: MU Theater (1117 Budapest, Kőrösy J. u. 17.)
Julia Orlando Adzuki (AUS): Symbiotica

’Symbiotica’ is a personal ‘biomythology’; of a woman merged with roots, horns and rocks, a chimeralike hybrid beast. Objects extending from the body create tangible manifestations of the invisible and shifting relationships between the self and surrounding environment.An investigation of the blurred boundary of the skin, where at a micro level we see the fusion of ourselves and surrounds. And of symbiosis with the body’s inhabitants, such as mitochondria, which perform essential operations of energy production for our being, but with differing DNA exist as cohabitants of the ‘non-self’.

Performer: Julia Orlando Adzuki
VJ: Boldi Csernák
Hang: Pablo Lerner
Koreográfiai tanácsadó: Márta Ladjánszki
Koncepció/jelmez/animáció/installáció: Julia Orlando Adzuki
Produkciós iroda: Ben Glass, GB proMotion

With the support of:

ticket office:
  • Main hall performance days: 5 pm - 10 pm
  • studio and club performance days: 5 pm - 8:30 pm
  • other days: 5pm - 8 pm
Trafó Gallery opening hours:
  • Performance days: 4-10pm.
  • Opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 4pm-7pm.
  • Closed on Mondays.

  • The Trafó Kortárs Művészetek Háza Nonprofit Kft. works in the maintance of Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata.