2000 Ft / 1500 Ft (Trafó Season Ticket is valid)
The piece rehabilitates the primitive, sensual and animalistic connotation of the concept of instinct. For Frenák Pál instinct is an inner ear that helps us finding our balance and the right movements. It directs us in the every day life and overwrites our decisions. It lives in us as body and soul, which cannot be separated from each other.
Choreography & Scenery: Frenák Pál
Music: Helmuth Oehring
Video: Christoph Brecht
Performed by:
Baranyai Balázs
Zambrycki Ádám
Lisa Kostur
Nelson Reguera
Várnagy Kristóf
László Hudacsek
Heather O'Donnell
Gergely Attila
Realised through support of the "Projekt Bipolar" by the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (Germany).
With the support of: