0 Ft
May 2007. 10am-10pm For beginners also
May 2007. 10am-10pm For advanced and professional dancers
Organization: Workshop Foundation
This year’s Dance-marathon is the fifth in a series, offering dance enthusiasts and the wider public a chance to try different techniques and methods. Participants can physically experience what and how these pioneers of dance thought about body, movement, space and time. Martha Graham, José Limón, Merce Cunningham, Lester Horton and other innovators’ techniques occupy Trafó’s Theatre Hall while the Studio offers a chance to be absorbed in ‘side techniques’ concerned with body and sole. Registration: from 9am.
This year is the first occasion however that offers a chance for advanced and professional dancers also to learn from some of the most remarkable personalities of the Hungarian dance scene. Interested beginners are welcome to participate as spectators. Registration: before 17. May in e-mail, short description of professional background is required.
Registration to the second day and information: Workshop Foundation | E-mail: workshop@c3.hu | Web: www.wsf.hu/tancmaraton | Tel: 456 20 52, 456 20 45